John Shelby - 'My PA'

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You have been Johns personal assistant for many years. Since the blossoming of the branch, he needed someone to help with the paperwork side of it all - someone who was organised and smart - so he chose you.

"John, you are due for a meeting with Mr Race, the head of Legal Exportation." You informed him, placing a coffee on the side for him.

"Thanks darling." He says and takes a deep breath in.

He didn't seem himself and it crushed your heart to see him down and annoyed. You cared deeply for him, but you knew he could never feel the same way - as he is married to Esme. Which did break your heart the more you thought about it.

"Everything okay?" You asked him, as he took a sip of the coffee and looked to you with a smile.

"Yes, just had a bad night." He mumbled. "Had to sleep on the sofa again."

"Wife troubles." You smiled. "Can't say I relate at all."

John let out a smile and chuckled at your response to his issue. He stood up and came close to you; kissing the side of your head before walking out into his meeting.

Walking out of the room, you saw Tommy come in alongside Michael and Finn. Little Charlie followed behind his father and rushed up to you as soon as he saw you there.

"Hey Charlie boy." You grinned as you hugged him back.

"Where is my brother Y/N?" Tommy abruptly as he looked into the office and saw him not there. You frowned as you stood back up.

"He's in a meeting with-" You started to say, but Tommy cut you off.

"I need him out."

"Why are you being such a dick today Tommy?" You snapped and he took a deep breath in before shaking his head.

"I know, I am sorry for being a prick but I need to see my brother now." He panicked and you nodded your head; timidly knocking the door before hearing the voice to say come in.

Walking in, you saw John and he looked to you with worry.

"Are you okay Y/N?" He asked as he stood up; walking over to you.

"Your brothers and cousin are here, Tommy wants to see you straight away." You mumbled and John took a sharpe breath in.

"Fuck." He whispered. "Y/N will show you out sir, as I unfortunately have an urgent matter to deal with."

"Is everything okay?" You grabbed his forearm and he looked calmly to you.

"Everything is fine." He smiled and held your hand. "I'll explain everything as soon as I can."

You watched him walk out and you showed the man out to the front of the offices where his car was waiting. As you came back in, you saw Finn and Michael guarding the door; with Charlie sitting on my chair and playing with the pen knife.

"Charlie, mind your fingers please." You frowned as you took off the "toy" and replaced it with pen and paper for him to draw.

You looked to Michael and Finn, who were a bit younger than you. You were only 24 years old, with John being 29.

"Well, don't you two look like tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb." You jokingly tease them and they roll their eyes with amusement.

"We look like handsome and scary bodyguards." Michael teases, but is completely serious.

"You two flatter yourselves too much." You roll your eyes in amusement.

Before another word can be said, you hear the sound of something breaking. At first you thought it was Charlie, but it wasn't him at all. Looking up at the office, you frowned and bit down on your lip in nervousness.

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