Michael Gray - 'Lovers'

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"And that's how is asked you?" Ada gasped in awe as she talks about your date tonight. "What a gentleman."

"Isn't he just?" You gasp as you then hear the door open; Michael walking in with a girl in his arms. He looks to you, before making his way up the stairs and into his room.

You cough, tucking the hair behind your ear as you look to the ground. Ada looked to you both and knew how much the two of you cared for each other but dare not do anything about it. You were both so scared of what would happen, if the two of you got together and which is why you did not know what to do. She put a hand on your forearm and a tear slipped down your face.

"Don't let him affect you Y/N" She demands in a kind way. "You need to be brave. After all, you are going to be going on a date with one of the most prestigious men in Small Heath."

"I guess you are right!" You sighed and she looked to you, smacking your arm playfully - making you let out an 'ow!'

"He is a lovely man and most rich." She gasped and stood up. "Of course I am right. Besides, if you don't go and have him, I will make my move."

"Is that supposed to be some ploy to get me to go?" You smirk, amused by her blackmail.

"Yes. But Y/N, you know a Shelby always keeps there promises" She raises her eyebrows up and down playfully. "And I sure as hell will do so!"

"Oh Ada you are cruel!" You gasp and stand up; shoving her slightly. The sound of a woman shouting and yelling filled your ears, as loud footsteps made there way down the stairs.

"You are nasty Michael Gray!" She screamed as she came down the stairs; walking to you and Ada in anger. "He is caught up and in love with someone else; not giving me the audacity to tell me as to who he is completely besotted with! What a jerk!"

With that, she left the house and slamming the door shut as she left; making the doors chatter and evening shake. You look to Ada in shock, then realising what the time was.

Michael came down and looked to the two of you; as you both stared to him. He came into the room and you smirked to him, Ada doing the same.

"Shut up" He groans as he gets a glass out and pours a drink in it.

"Oh Michael, who is the lucky woman she thinks you are so in love with?" Ada teases and he chugs the drink back; looking back to you both as the glass hits against the table.

"Never you mind" He snaps and you nudge his side; making him raise an eyebrow to you and trying not to laugh.

"You are blushing" You tease and he shakes his head, pouring another drink and consuming it straight away.

"No I am not" He groans again, looking to Ada. "Anyways, aren't you supposed to be going on some stupid date."

"What are you-" you begin but Ada cuts you off.

"Yes! Y/N, you need to go now!" She gasps as she sees the time. "He will think you are not going to show up!"

"Okay Ada" You sigh, laughing slightly as you are pulled out the door. Turning around to Michael, he looks to you sadly; making you want him to stop you from going. He winks to you and walks away, going back upstairs as you walk out of the house - to meet up with the gentleman on a date.


You walked slowly to see the man leaning against the dock side - where you were both due to meet. You looked to him and grinned, he threw the cigarette to the ground. He walked over to you and put his hands on your hips as he kissed your cheek, his lips lingering slightly.

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