Arthur Shelby - 'You are insane'

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"Are you crazy Arthur?" You snap as he washes his face in the sink. "Are you fucking high again?"

He ignored you and carried on washing his face; then grabbing his shaving items and begin to shave himself.

"Answer me!" You spit through gritted teeth. Yet there was still no reply from the intoxicated man. "Fucking answer me."

You ripped his shaving knife from his hands and put it against his neck; dangerously close - fire burning through your eyes as you glared at him. Arthur chocked slightly; backing up but you followed him.

"And apparently, I am the crazy one!" He growls and you roll your eyes; pressing it harder to his throat.

"Fuck You Arthur!" You yell. "You are fucking high again and you are going to get into a very dangerous fight against the mafia gang - a boxing match while you're fucking high. You absolute bellend!"

"You are so insane" He repeats and grabs your hand; making you drop the shaving knife to the ground. "Now darling, just shut up and let me do as I please."

"You are going to live a lonely life Arthur Shelby" you pull away from him and walking out of the room; slamming the door of the bathroom.


"You two need mental help" Polly scolds you as she makes you a cup of tea; handing it to you as you are sat in her dining room.

"I just don't know what is wrong with me at the moment Polly" You sip on the tea. "At the moment I am just so stressed out and more inpatient than ever before."

"Maybe you're pregnant?" She raises an eyebrow and you shake your head no; being in self denial - yet you knew it could be highly possible.

"I don't know" You shrug and you both stay in silence; looking at her as you sip on your tea. "Are you going to the fight tonight?"

"Yeah, I was planning on to" She replies and sits beside you. "Are you?"

"I don't want to see my husband being beaten up." You frown. "Even though that is what I would love to fucking do to him right now."

Polly snorts a laugh as she chokes on her tea in amusement; putting the China glass on the table. You cannot help but giggle with her as she flapped her hand about to calm herself down.

"You are insane" You winks and you roll your eyes playfully.

"I get told that a lot" You mutter. "But I learn from the best."

"I hope that is no direct insult to me?" She raises an eyebrow; smacking her arm as she walked past.

"No Polly" You wink sarcastically. "Not at all."

"You little bitch" She gasps and you giggle at her as you stand up; washing your cup up. "Come on then, lets go watch my husband get beat to a pulp."

"You are so cheery today Y/N" She snorts and you grab your coat; putting it around your body as you walk out with Polly - linking arms with one another.


"And in the right corner we have Maxine Bright; all the way from yanky land ladies and gents." The announcer shouted as he walked over to the handsome man from America. You wanted to take advantage of that. "Then in the left corner we have Mr Arthur Shelby; right here from our own land of small heath."

You walked over to the ropes and linked eyes with Arthur as you went closer; glaring at him as you went to Maxine.

"Hi" You smile as you climb up the rope; winking at the man.

"Hey beautiful lady" He smirks and walks over to you; seeing Arthur curl his hands up in a fist. You looked over to him and then flipped your hair; now being held back by John.

"Good luck today" You smile and kisses his cheek; leaving your lips there for a while. Walking away, you see Arthur wanting to rip off Maxine's head.

"What the fuck was that?" Polly gasped as you sat beside her, frowning slightly.

"Arthur will thank me later" You simply answer as you see him becoming more and more angry - Polly clicking on what you had done.

You knew Arthur would be pissed if he saw anyone flirt with you and be super angry; so you decided to make it happen. Arthur would now fight his best and show off to you on what a better man he was - internally rolling your eyes at men in general.

"Plus, it was some satisfaction for myself" You smirk and she laughs at you; both of you watching the fight as it went on.

Squirming occasionally, you hid behind your hands and looking through the small gaps of your fingers. It was now the near the end of the fight as the last round commencing.

"Your girl came over to me" You hear Maxine smirk to Arthur; who spat out some blood. "She looked really fit. You know Arthur, I would love to bend her over and show her what a real man could do to her -"

Before he could finish his words, Arthur threw a punch which caused Maxine to fall to the ground. Arthur got on top of his and repeatedly attacked the man; even when he lay there unconscious. Running up to the ring, John pulls you back.

"John he is going to kill him if you don't stop him right now!" You yell and John rushes over and pulls his brother of the man; dragging him to the side.

"And the winner is Arthur Shelby!" The announcer screamed and held up Arthur's hand. You cringed as you look to your husbands face, all beat up. As he went out of the ring, you followed after him.

"Arthur" You called as you rushes after him. He ignored you as he walked on, the two of you completely alone. "Fucking Listen to me!"

No reply.

"Arthur!" You scream and he turns around to you forcefully.

"What!" He yells and you jump slightly.

"Are you okay?" You breathe out and he frowns to you; shaking his head.

"You are so on and fucking off" He groans and hits the wall.

"I did that to help you!" You yell and he looks to you In shock; realising what you did and a smile plastered on his face. "I did it to help you."

You speak softly the second time and he pulls you into the room; kissing your lips roughly as he puts you on the counter in the room, not breaking the kiss.

"Arthur" You breathe out; him kissing your neck. "I need to tell you something."

"What sweetheart?" He mumbles against your neck.

"I am pregnant." You whisper and he pulls back to you in shock, smiling widely.

"I am going to be a dad?" He gasps and gets all excited; making you smile with so much love.

"Yes sweetheart" You grin and he kisses you again; sharing some much love and passion with you.

"It explains why you have been so insane" He winks as he mumbles against you lips.

"Fuck off" you laugh as you push him back; laughing at your husband. "But Arthur, it means no more drugs."

"None." He puts his hands up. "I promise."

For once, you felt that things were going to turn out right; at last.

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