Isaiah Jesus - 'Start Listening To Me'

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"Y/N, will you hurry up and get out of the bathroom." Your twin, Finn, yelled through the door to you as you pinned up your hair.

"Finn, please shut the fuck up and quit moaning for once, in your goddamn life!" You screamed back and threw your shoe at the door; making him scurry away.

Finn and you were close, but when you pissed each other off - it caused mayhem across the whole of the family. Things always seemed to end with you winning however, which is how you liked it.

"Y/N" You hear again through the door.

"For fuck sake Finn!" You huffed and put the last pin in; rushing the door and opening it harshly - awaiting to see your twin standing there - but it was in fact Isaiah.

You went bright red in embarrassment, knowing you had always had a crush on him ever since you were young. Finn and him were best friends and he was always around (which was a bonus for you.)

"Oh, it's you" You breathed out with a smile. "I thought you were-"

"Finn." He interrupted with a smile on his face. "I heard the screams."

"Oh great" You rolled your eyes; huffing. "Thanks Isaiah, always good to see you."

"And you too" He laughed as you pushed past him; leaning against the other side of the door and allowing your brother to use the bathroom.

"What are you doing here?" You question. "You do not seem to come as often as you once did."

"The gang is hefty work sometimes." He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets; making him look a million times for attractive. "It is all about survival."

"Sounds enthralling" You rolled your eyes and folded your arms. "So what are you exactly doing here? My point being, you don't come here for fun anymore."

"Tommy has ordered a meeting" Isaiah answered and you rolled your eyes once more.

"Of course" You sighed and began to walk away from him; but he followed on after you.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, questioning your sudden change of mood.

"I mean, you always follow my brothers around now." You snap to him; annoyed at him for questioning why you were annoyed - thinking how oblivious he was. "You just arse lick them and do whatever they ask you to do; as you quite clearly do not have your own mind."

"Y/N" He said in a warning voice; making you more and more mad. "Stop."

"Stop?" You scoff at him. "This is my home. You do not tell me when to stop. What are you going to do Isaiah? Are you going to leave me again, just like you have done before!"

"Stop!" He growled, getting more and more impatient with you.

"Fucking go on then, just leave!" You sneered through gritted teeth; him pulling you by the hand and dragging you outside to a secluded area where no one would find you.

Squealing for him to get off you, he shoved you up against the wall in frustration; making you forced to look up to him. He moved closer and placed his hands on either side of the wall behind you.

"You need to start listening to me" He muttered; looking down at your innocent face and wanting to do nothing else but confess is attraction towards you.

"I do" You stuttered back to him; wanting to kiss him just as badly.

"I don't think you do sweetheart" Isaiah chuckles playfully and leans in slightly; your noses brushing past each other's.

"Isaiah..." You whisper, not knowing anything else to say to him - you wanted to just pull him against you and to feel his lips against yours.

"I want to kiss -" He began and leaned in so close. However, the sound of someone running up the stairs pulled you both apart quickly.

You tucked your hair behind your ear as you refused look at who just interrupted you

"Come one, Tommy wants to start." You hear your brother Arthur instruct as he looked towards you and Isaiah. "Sorry for interrupting you special moment."

"Fuck off Arthur" you groaned in embarrassment; where as Isaiah just chuckled and walked downstairs to start the meeting. You start to walk down the stairs, to attend to the business but Arthur's voice makes you stop in your tracks.

"You should tell him how you feel" He smiled to you, as you turned around to face him. You frowned slightly, wondering where on earth this soppy side of Arthur has come from.

"Thank you brother" You smiled back to be nice, still wondering what the fuck that man was on. It was probably Linda's influence on his sudden change of demeanour.

As you walked down, the others trailed behind you and you all stood around the kitchen of Polly's - where you still lived. Everyone was chatting amongst themselves, making your head hurt slightly. As your eyes trailed along the people around you, your eyes linked with somebody's - Isaiah. You blushed as he gave you a wink; making your whole body explode with happiness and butterflies.

"Right, time for business" Tommy began the meeting off. "John did you get the ammunition?"

"Sure did Tom" John answered as he came in through the door, late as usual.

The meeting went on for a little while later; with you and Isaiah unable to keep your eyes off of each other. The two of you were inseparable and always needed to be near each other to carry on.

"You two look very cushty" John teases as he nudged your shoulders.

"Please stop" you groan in embarrassment; going redder and redder.

"Have you two fucked yet?" He asked, knowing it would get under your skin - which it did. At this point everyone's attention had turned to you and Isaiah was going embarrassed as well.

"No john, but by fuck, if it had happened I would not tell any of you for shit." You snapped. "Maybe I'll go do it now!"

You stormed over to Isaiah and grabbed his hand; dragging him up the stairs and leaving everyone gaping in shock of what had just occurred.

"Y/N" Isaiah said as you hurried on up.

"He's an asshole!" You muttered and let go of Isaiah; storming into your bedroom and muttering more to yourself.

"Y/N" He said again, but you were too busy letting off steam.

"He is an absolute son of a fucking bitch" You huffed and your legs touched the side of the bed. Before you could moan and bitch about John again, you felt Isaiah push you down on the bed.

His legs straddled you, as he face inched closer towards you. Your heart stopped, as you felt the electricity run through you. His hands pulled yours either side of your head.

"What happened to listen to me?" He winks and leans in; pressing his lips against yours. The two of you kissed long and passionately; allowing all frustration to come out with passion.

You can guess what happened soon after ;)....

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