John Shelby - 'Wow!'

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"This is stupid, you are going to get us killed." You snapped as you followed after your friends - Archie, Samuel and Mia.

They thought it would be a good idea to break into the Shelby Company Bets shop; considering Mia's brother had been killed by the Shelby gang last year.

"This isn't a good idea" You snapped and Archie grabbed your shoulders, roughly shaking you.

"Shut up Y/N or just go home!" He slay and you shuddered in fear.

"You are going to get yourselves killed." You pushed him back in anger. "For what? To prove a point?"

"They killed my brother Y/N!" Mia snarled. "Whose side are you on?"

"I don't condone it Mia!" You argued. "But your brother had sex with their sister, without Ada giving fucking consent. You think they would just let that slide?"

"What are you trying to say Y/N?" She pushes you back and you got more and more angrier.

"He had it fucking coming, what he did was disgusting." You screamed and she hit you, sending you to the ground. "They will come after you when they figure out who did it. I won't be there to defend you."

"Fuck you." She sneered and you shook your head in disgust - how dare she touch you like that!

"Mia leave her alone" Samuel said as he pulled Mia away; helping you to your feet, but you pushed him away.

"I'm having no part of it" You mumbled and stood in your spot.

As you stood there, the dark night seemed to over take you; scaring you as you stood in one spot. You didn't know what to do, you didn't want to go off and walk the streets - but you also didn't want to be apart of what was happening.

The others broke into the betting shop and the sound of glass smashing hit your ears. Flinching at the sound, you shuddered at the thought.

"What's going on there?" You heard one of the blinders minions say as they came closer.

Panicking, you watched the others making a lucky escape and you were the only one left near the crime. The man came running up to you and you turned around to run away, like your friends had, but instead had hit into a hard chest.

Looking up, the man grabbed you and was completely oblivious to your screams and kicking legs. Dragging you into some house, you were thrown to the ground - either men holding your arms back, with your head down to the ground.

All you could hear was the sound of people talking to each other under their breath and the shoes of those who stood around you.

"Where is Tommy?" A woman asked as she came in.

"I'm here" He said and your heart stopped. Your head was still down. "Why have you brought her here?" Tommy asked to the men.

"Her and her friends were caught breaking into the betting shop." One of them said.

"I didn't do anything-" you defended yourself, but the man twisted your arm back; causing you to scream in pain.

"I saw them with my own eyes." The other snarled and you shook your head, allowing tears to fall down your face softly - scared on what was going to happen.

"I didn't do anything I swear" you mumbled tearfully, looking up slowly to see the infamous gang looking down at you.

"Y/N?" Ada gasped as she saw your face.

"You know her?" Arthur asked, in which Ada nodded in reply.

"She is friends with the boys sister..." She mumbled.

"She didn't do it Tom, just let her go." John piped up and for a brief moment, you heart seemed to skip a beat.

You always had a crush on John, even though you had never spoken to him. Knowing your friends would call you crazy, you kept your secret to yourself.

"How do you know that?" Polly snapped. "She is friends with the boys sister! It's a plausible reason!"

"I swear to you, I didn't do it" You clearly spoke, confident in tone of voice.

"I say we take a vote." Tommy looked to you, knowing you were telling the truth. "Hands up to those who think she is telling us lies."

Pollys hand went up, alongside Arthur's. Your heart pounded. Tommy looked and nodded his head slightly, then turned back to you.

"Those who think she is telling the truth-"

Johns hand went up, alongside Ada's. You sighed, but it was a draw. That made you feel more nervous.

"So I guess it's just my vote left" Tommy calmly spoke.

"I don't agree with what Mia's brother did to Ada." You blurted out. "I hate that Mia is so angry at you guys, for just protecting your sister. I begged her to not do it, but grief makes you do crazy things - like love does. She didn't mean to do it, I know she didn't, but she isn't thinking straight. But I promise you, I had no part in it. I believe in karma - what goes around comes around and that's what had to be done with mias brother."

"A lot of words." Tommy muttered and then turned away for a second and breathed out a large sigh. "I think you're telling the truth. You can let her go."

"But Tommy-" Polly began but he raised a hand to stop her.

"I can see it in her eyes Polly - she is telling the truth." He looked back to you. The men holding you, let you go.

Staying on the floor for a while, you tried to pull yourself together. Letting out a huge sigh, you stood up and stumbled forward; being caught by two hands.

"Careful" John whispered.

"I should go home." You muttered and realised how close you were to him.

"I'll walk you home?" He suggested, but you shook your head.

"It's fine, really, I'll be okay." You stuttered nervously.

"No, please, let me walk you home." He smiles and you give in, smiling at him as you both walk out the door.

You both walk in silence, occasionally brushing past each other's arm as you walked.

"I'm sorry about my friends" You broke the silence.

"Don't be, you don't need to apologise for them." He shrugged.

"Please, I don't want them to get into trouble." You stood still, thinking of all types of things that would potentially happen to them. "Grief does dumb things."

"It's really out of my control." John shrugs.

"Please-" you grab his arm gently, before realising and quickly moving it away. "-I don't want them hurt."

"I'll do what I can." He promises and you believe him.

"Well, this is me." You sighed, sad you walk came to an end. "Thank you for walking me home."

"The pleasure is mine-" He smiled, with his hands in his pockets. "It's the least I can do for earlier on."

"It's my own fault" You sighed and ran a hand through your hair.

Moving to John, you kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." You smiled and walked to your front door; grinning from ear to ear.

"Wait-" John called out.

"Hmm?" You turned around.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He asked and you looked to him in shock.

"What?" You blurted out.

"Will you, go on a date with me?" He said slowly and you grinned, nodding your head. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow at 5? Wear something nice, I'll come pick you up."

"Where are we going?" You asked with a giggle.

"Now that's a surprise." He whispered and slowly walked away.

"Goodnight John" You smiled as you walked into your house, squealing at the thought of 5pm tomorrow!


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