Alfie Soloman's - 'Secrets 2'

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"I don't know why you constantly insist of coming when we are coming to London" John groans as he shuts the door, getting out of the car and standing opposite you.

"I don't know why you have to constantly moan about it" You retorted back and he rolled his eyes in reply. "Besides, Tommy ain't here this time. He trusts me rather than you two morons, so that is why I come instead."

"Don't start Y/N" You brother warns as he walks off.

"Sack off John and go do what tommy said to do." You snap at him, following him down the road; him completely flipping you off.

"Just lets get this over with" He groans and then walks off to his pub as you go off to see Alfie.

Walking along the roads, you turn to go down the alley way to the house where Alfie would be. Coming closer, you feel someone catch you off guard and pushing you to the gate behind you.

"What the -" You begin as you look to see a man you have never met before with his forearms against your neck; forcing you back to the wall.

"Who are you?" The stranger snaps and you are choked by his arm.

"I am here to see Alfie" you cough out in a hoarse voice.

"That was not the answer to my question" He growls and you try to pull his arms away from your neck.

"Get off me!" You snap, breathing heavily.

"Answer my question and I fucking will" The man flared to you and you ran your tongue along your lips to wet them from the dryness.

"As soon as Alfie hears about this he will have you fucking head" You spit in his face.

"You bitch" He says and pulls his arm; ready to hit you around the face but you never feel it.

Opening your eyes, you see a hand stopping the man from harming you - the hand that belonged to Alfie. You huffed as you pushed the man on you, away from your area. You see Alfie pushing the man to the ground and kicked him forcefully before giving a nod to the others who followed Alfie.

"Fucking prick" You snarled as you followed Alfie - he hand on your lower back.

The two of you walked to his office and he shut the blinds as you shut the door. Leaning against the wall beside the door, Alfie came over and locked the door before brushing your hair from your face and seeing a red mark by the man who was trying to strangle you.

"I will kill him" Alfie grunts as he touches your neck; his fists curling up into ball - making his knuckles go white.

His fingertips brush over your collar bone. Each brush making you covered with goosebumps, wanting to kiss the man in front of you.

"I have missed you" He whispers and you grin to him; leaning your forehead on his.

"I have missed you too Alfie" You blush; kissing his nose as he nuzzles his head into your neck.

His lips brush past yours as you pull him closer to you; his hands landing on your waist to compose himself - so he did not fall.

You put your hands on the back of his neck and played with his hair as he leaned in to connect your lips together. The two of you uncontrollably kiss and end up making an act of love that is extremely sacred to the two of you.


"Alfie?" You breathe out as you both lay on the blankets that are on his office floor.

"Mhm" He mutters as you lean your head on his bare chest.

"When should we tell my family?" You ask him and he coughs gently, before tracing his finger along your arm; making funny patterns.

"When we have felt with the Sabini's" He says and you sigh heavily. "I just want to keep you safe."

"If the Sabini's are as smart as you and my brother think they are, then they already know about us" You point out as you stand up; putting your clothes back on.

"Y/N..." He begins to say as he leans on his arms to look up to you.

"I should probably go." You mutter. "John will be wondering where I am."

He says nothing as he stares at you putting your clothes on. Your fingers shaking as you try to fumble with your buttons and sort out your top; you feel his hands go over yours and do it for you.

"Y/N" He says as you push his hands away and you do it yourself.

"Alfie please, I need to go" You say as he pulls you closer to his body so you cannot move at all.

"I can't let you leave like this Y/N" Alfie begs you as you shake your head and trying to push away from him.

"Alfie I am tired that's all" You mutter and he laughs.

"Don't bullshit me" He snaps and you roll your eyes.

"I just want them to know about us" You bite down on your lip.

"And they will" He sighs. "But all in good time."

"Promise?" You grin and he chuckles back at your change of mood.

"Promise" He confirms and then kisses your forehead. "You know all the information don't you?"

"Yes" You say, repeating the things you were supposed to pass on to your brothers.

"Good." He smiles and kisses your lips. "I will walk you out."

The two of you walk out into his office area where men walked around freely, making different things.

Men wolf whistled as you walked out; making Alfie grip your arm.

"Just ignore" You smirk as you walk out to see John on the other side of the road; Alfie's hand disappeared from your touch as you looked to see him looking at you.

Just as you were about to cross you see a lorry driving along the road and stopping quickly for some men to cross the road.

Alfie pulls you back and pushes you to the wall; kissing you one last time before pushing you into the direction of your brother as the lorry moves.

"It go okay?" You brother asks as he lights a cigarette; making you look back to see Alfie looking at you and winking.

Blushing, you turn around and look to your brother.

"Yes." You try to conceal your grin.

Very well.

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