John Shelby - 'Died 2'

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"Y/N, Please come in here" Tommy shouted for you from downstairs. You walked out of your room, walking down the stairs.

"What's going on?" You asked as you looked around to see every family members, all except your John, who you dearly missed.

"I have called an urgent family meeting." Tommy sighed as he looked to you all. Everyone looked so tense and serious; but also fed up too. "As you know, Luca is coming to us next. His next big move is to take over the business and he will be in charge of the whole British isles."

"Well, we ain't going to let that happen" Arthur cheered and everyone muttered a cheer back; wanting it to be over with.

"I have kept something from you all, only some of you knew but it was essential to our plan." Tommy began and everyone looked around in confusion. "I have been pretending to Luca that the business is in real trouble of being taken over but it is in-fact the complete opposite - only if we all work together."

"What do you need us to do Tom?" Finn asked, you sat down on the chair, listening intently but feeling completely uneasy.

"I need a couple of you with me, preferably to females." Tommy began and looked to you; then to Polly.

"No way" You shook your head. "I am not going anywhere near the man who took my husbands life away."

"It is what John would have wanted." Arthur muttered and you looked to him in pure shock.

"What?" You question, speechless with his choice of words.

"John would have wanted you to help the gang." Arthur tried to be encouraging but it only made you pissed off; wanting to punch him.

"Arthur please shut your mouth, before I do it for you" You growled and shoved him back.

"What did I say?" He frowned but Tommy stopped you both from continuing.

"Anyways, Y/N and Polly will be with me." He began. "Luca will think that we are distracting him, which we are, but then I have tipped off the men and Michael has already done his part. I can tell you no more but you have to trust me."

"I trust you" Arthur patted his brother on the back. However, you did not trust Tommy, you wanted to know the truth on what was going on.

"No, Tommy." You blurted out, making everyone turn to you. "Haven't enough of us died already?"

"What?" He questioned.

"Why are you hiding things from us." You snap. "You want us to stand by your side but you tell us shit."

"Y/N, I would Stop while you are ahead" He groans and his dismisses everyone but you stand your ground.

"First it was my husband" You cried out. "How many more until the fight is over."

"It will be every single one of us if we don't stop them Y/N" Tommy grabs your shoulders, making you look to him to really understand. "It may not seem like any sense, but in my head, it does and it will work if you all trust me. Okay?"

"Yes" You muttered, knowing deep down that your brother in law was in fact probably right.

"Now, I need you with me when we see Luca." He mutters and your body tenses; eyes tearing up in fear. "I am not going to let anything happen to you okay? He just thinks you are weak and vulnerable at the moment, it will put him off."

"I am those things Tommy, I am not sure whether I can do it" You honestly spoke. Tommy sighed and lowered his head.

"Do it for a better life Y/N" He says and you nod your head, willing to do it, to make life so much better for everyone.

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