Arthur Shelby - 'Puking wasnt my plan'

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"Arthur stop" you giggle as he kisses your neck and moving his hands across your body.

Arthur doesn't listen to you as he starts to take your clothes off. You moan as he kisses down your neck all the way to your shoulders.

"Arthur" you moan but are rudely interrupted by Tommy walking into the room.

"Arthur-" He begins and his eyes widen. You gasp in shock as you put the clothes on quickly. "You two make me sick."

"Tommy don't act like you're a soft nut" you tease him as Arthur laughs at the two of you. "Besides fucking knock next time. We could have been making you a little nephew or niece."

"Always nice to see you Y/N" Tommy teased back and Arthur winked to you; wrapping an arm around your waist.

"I was wondering whether Arthur was actually going to get a move on and go to the fucking races" He laughed as he lit a cigarette.

"I'll be down Tommy" He smirks to his brother and Tommy walks out. Arthur turns back around to you and goes to finish off what he started.

"Arthur" you giggle and stop him from kissing and taking things further. "Go with your brother."

He grunts and sniffles slightly; stepping back.

"Maybe I would prefer to stay with you" He smirks and you roll your eyes.

"I will be with you when you are back Arthur Shelby." You wink and then push him out the door slightly. "Now go before I rip your clothes off, go now."

"God I hate you" He smirks and kisses you once more before leaving you on your own. You hear the door slam shut as you walked downstairs; seeing Polly sat there with a glass of whiskey in her hands.

"You okay Polly?" You ask her and she starts to cry.

"My son..." She stutters as you hug her. "I have a son who has come back to me."

"Oh Polly that is wonderful!" You gasp and she sniffles more. "I cannot tell whether you are happy or not?"

"I am happy. So happy." She explains. "But what if he isn't happy with me as his mother."

"Polly shut up, you are amazing. You are like a mother to me, a great one at that!" You squeak. "Let's go to the pub and drink to celebrate!"

She laughs at you and agrees with the idea. You both walk to the pub and end up staying the whole day just drinking and having a lot of fun; dancing and singing.

"Oh Polly I fucking love you!" You squeal as you lay back in the chair; ending up falling off and landing on the floor.

"What the fuck!" Arthur laughs as he looks to you on the floor. "What you doing down their love?"

"Arthur!" You giggle as you are helped to your feet. "Is there three of you?"

"You are so pissed. Let's get you home" He laughs but you shake your head no, bringing out the bottom lip into a pout.

"No Arthur!" You squeal and he gives into your pout. "Drink with me"

"Your wish is my command." He smirks and then you both start to drink. The alcohol goes to your head as you dance around and seeing some other men looking at you.

You stumble over to them; feeling Arthur's eyes on you as you approach them.

"You come here often?" One of them asks as the give you a drink.

"Nice chat up line" you smirk and then turns to Arthur; seeing him talking with another woman and dancing provocatively against her. "But yes I do"

You were jealous. Angry that he was dancing up against another woman like that. Fuck you Arthur, you thought to yourself.

"So what's your name pretty?" The man asked and came closer to you.

"Y/N" you replied and smirked to the man who was swoon over you obviously.

"Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" He smirks more and then put a hand on your waist.

Regret filled your head as you felt awful for doing this to Arthur to get under his skin. In your head you were trying to convince yourself it was okay, because he was doing the same too. But you had a good heart and you could not live with the idea of knowing another man was touching you - who was not Arthur.

"I think you got the wrong impression sir" You slurred over your drink slightly, yet sobering up quickly.

"Why?" He growls seductively in your ear, which makes you feel sick. Your stomach growls and with one swift movement, the sick came up and your puked all over the man in front of you.

"Fuck" You mutter as you clutch your head, the sound of gasps echos the room. "Puking wasn't my plan"

"What the fuck!" He yells and you hush him because your head is spinning so fast. "You bitch. Who the fuck do you think you are!?"

"A Shelby" Arthur growls to the man, who immediately backs down when he sees the great white Shelby. "So I suggest you back the fuck away from her and go somewhere else."

"Yes Mr Shelby" He stutters and runs away; leaving you still clutching your head in pain.

"Arthur this is your fault" you groan as he picks you up. "If you weren't trying to make me jealous, then I would not have been sick all over that man."

"Okay sweetheart" He smirks and then takes you home and into bed.

"I was trying to make you jealous Mr Shelby" You hiccuped as he laughed even more while you hugged into the sheets.

"It worked" He smirks to you and you grin from ear to ear.

With that you fall asleep; hugging into your man as you softly sleep, with your head on his bare chest.

In the morning, Arthur had told everyone what your intentions were last night. Suddenly everyone started to rip into you for puking all over the man to try and make Arthur jealous.

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