Thomas Shelby - 'More Than My Best Friend'

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"I am so happy for you!" Polly smiled as she hugged you tightly, kissing the side of your head lovingly.

"Thank you Pol" You grin from ear to ear as you looked to your non-maternal mother. After your parents died, you went into the care of Polly - your mothers best friend)

She brought you up; alongside the other Shelby boys and Ada, when their mother passed away. You were close with Ada, the two of you considered yourselves sisters. The boys were close with you too, Arthur took the protective older brother role; John was your annoying little brother and Tommy, he was your lover (but you were too afraid to admit that.)

"Ada is going to be maid of honour of course!" Ada laughed, speaking in third person as she brought drink for you all.

"Yes, yes you are" You giggled, cheering your engagement as you chinked your glasses together before chugging it back.

"Have you told the boys?" Polly asks, wiping your mouth, you shake your head.

"No, I have not had chance yet" You sighed, then looked to your ring. "I am going the right thing, aren't I?"

"If you are happy-" Polly began and stood up, hugging you into her side while you were sat on the chair. "-then of course it is the right thing to do."

You knew she was right and you were happy, it was just you had not admitted your full feelings, for another person as of yet. Neither had he, which put a stop to it all.

"Bloody hell, they are hot" Ada gasped as she put the cookies on a plate.

"You should have let them cool down!" Polly laughed as she looked at her niece.

"What's happening?" John asks as he comes in, grabbing one of the cookies and dropping it straight away. "Fuck! That's hot."

"You shouldn't be so greedy!" You laughed, as he kissed your cheek hello.

"Y/N" Arthur smiled, kissing your cheek like John, as soon as he came in. "I have heard a rumour."

"What would that be?" You questioned.

"You are getting married to William James?" He asks/tells, making your heart beat quickly.

"Well, I guess the rumour is true" You mutter and look up to him.

"But you hardly know him." John frowns. "How long have you actually known his for-"

"-that is quite enough John" Polly snapped and John shut up immediately. Everyone looked up and saw Tommy at the door.

"Congratulations" Tommy said lowly, coming into the room and not showing any affection like the other boys.

"Thanks" You muttered, not feeling his sincerity in voice. Tommy poured himself a drink and sipped on it lightly.

"When is the big day?" He asks, looking at you with soft eyes, which made you melt.

"Next week." You muttered and everyone looked to you in shock.

"You are getting married that soon?" Arthur frowns and Ada looks away awkwardly.

"He wants to get married, so he can go back up to Scotland." You stuttered and Polly put her arm around you.

"You will come down to visit?" She smiled and you nodded your head.

"Of course!" You gasped, slightly hurt she would think that.

"That's if he will let you" Tommy muttered, you looked up to him and shook your head before walking past him; shoving him with your shoulder as you barged past.

"Fuck you Tommy" You snapped as you walked out of the room.

"Y/N-" he groaned but you ignored him; walking out of the house.


On your wedding night, you had a small party to commentate your time in Birmingham. William was not too happy about it and did not want you to go, but you did so anyways, without him knowing.

You wanted to see Tommy but he had not turned up. The feelings you felt around Tommy were unexplainable and so different to anything you had felt before, but you pushed it to the back of your head.

Hugging people goodbye, you could feel yourself get more down on the fact Tommy was not there. You were drunk, which made you even more emotional. Packing away the bits in the pub, you tripped over a box and went towards the ground. Before you could even touch the ground, Tommy caught you in his arms.

"Can't have the bride hurt herself before the big day." You heard his familiar voice say in your ear, before standing you to your feet properly.

"I thought you were not going to come" You said, tucking your hair behind your ear as you stepped back.

"So did I" He mutters and you frown, unsure what to say to that. What did he mean?

"What?" You question.

"I did not think I was going to come" He says and you frown, even more.

"But why?" You question further. "Why bother coming, if you did not want too?"

"I did want too" He snaps and you scoff at him, walking past him to tidy things up.

"Bullshit" You shook your head, picking up things and placing it in the boxes.

"I did Y/N!" He sighs and you look to him, scoffing as he spoke.

"Well you obviously didn't" You moan. "If you wanted too, then you would have bothered when the party was actually on."

"You are so stubborn and particular." He frowns and you fold your arms, stopping what you are doing.

"So now you are going to insult me?" You shrug sarcastically. "What a brilliant guy."

"Y/N, for Christ sakes!" He yells and you give him a questioning look.

"What Tommy!?" You snap. "Ever since I got with William, you have just been a nasty prick, who has moaned about everything that is around me."

"Maybe you should stop and think why then" He scoffs and you shake your head.

"No, I shouldn't have too!" You yell. "I am your best friend, vice versa. If you have an issue, you need to have the balls and say it to me!"

"For fuck sake" He muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "I should have done this a long time ago."

Before the words came out, to question him further, he smashed his lips against you. Shocked at first, you stayed still. However, you could not ignore the spark that ignited when you kissed back.

Truly magical.

Best friends, just got complicated.

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