Finn Shelby - 'One of a kind'

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"Don't touch me" You snap to the man in the pub. "Or I will have your balls off. Do you hear me?"

"So feisty" He growls in your ear and your fists call up; knuckles going white as you looked to his face.

"Yes" You spit back. "And fucking true to my words."

With one swift movement, you lifted up your knee and kneed the man straight in the balls as he fell down in pain; clutching onto his crotch in agony. Smirking, you walk out of the pub and you see Finn walking in with John.

"Hey Y/N!" You hear John call to you as he came over. "You going to the wedding?"

"Of course" You reply, referring to Arthur's wedding to Linda - who you adored. Finn looked to you as you stood there, biting down on his lip as he looked you up and down.

You were quite different. Never wore dress, you hated them and would rather walk on hot coal than wear one - you always wore trousers, much more convenient when going on adventures.

"Hey Finn" You blush as he moves closer to you.

"Hey Y/N" He winks and you blush; looking to John - who is amused by the two of you and your behaviour.

"I should go" You stutter. "I need to get to Polly  before she kills me."

"I'll see you later love" He smiles and you say goodbye to the two men as you rush off. Hearing John taunt his younger brother as they walked into the pub for pre drinks.

You rush off to go see Polly; who had your outfit ready for the wedding. Much to your dismay, Polly had organised for you to wear a dress - which made you look most gorgeous, but you could not see or understand that.

"No way" you refuse as you stand on the other side of the bed, not giving up and wearing the dress.

"Don't be stupid Y/N" She huffs at you in annoyance. "You cannot wear trousers to a bloody wedding"

"Yeah, well watch me." You shake your head; folding your arms.

"Get here" She demands and you shake your head no. "Y/N!"

"No Polly!" You yell and she comes around to the side of the bed we're you were but you went across the bed so you were opposite to her once more.

"For fuck sake Y/N" she yells and you still don't give up. "Ada!"

"No." You shake your head as she comes in, holding you down as the strip your clothes. Kicking and yelling, they put on the dress and you stand up. "You guys are nuts."

"Wow!" They gasp as the look at you. "You look-"

"Don't say it" you stop Polly but she carries on.

"Beautiful" She finishes and you roll your eyes.

"Let me see the damage you have done" You huff as you stand up; the dress falling down slightly as you stood up. Looking in the mirror, you saw a reflection of somebody new. You felt good in the dress but you did not like the admit that.

"What do you think?" Ada Asia as she leans her head on your shoulder.

"It is okay" You stutter and the two smirk to each other. "Oh shut up."

"Come on then" Polly ushers us to hurry up as we walk out the room, going to the car that was waiting for us outside.

As you walk into the building, where tommy was having the wedding, you see John standing there with his child in his arms. He looks to you in shock and you shake your head.

"Please say nothing" You laugh as he kisses your cheek brotherly.

"You look nice" He laughs at you, then the small child starts crying. "I'll be back in a moment."

You walk to in the church, going down the aisle as you find your seat. As you walk towards the group who had already sat down, you see Finn standing there in front of you - him in a suit, looking you up and down.

"Wow" He stutters, his cheeks going red. "Y/N, you look..."

You giggle at him, blushing too and looking down to the floor as you fumble with your hands.

"Beautiful" He ends and you look up to him, biting down on your lip.

"Thanks Finn" You blush, someone shoving past you to get a seat; pushing you closer to Finn.

His hands move to your waist; keeping you standing still. You look up to him slowly, biting down on your lip once more.

"You really do look beautiful sweetheart" He whispers and you look down once more, the music starting - breaking you two apart. He takes his hand and puts it on your lower back, ushering you to sit down beside the others.

He sits down beside you, the music continuing to go on; everyone standing up as Grace starts to walk down the aisle. Your arm brushes past Finns as you stand beside him, your hands slowly interlink; your fingers slipping into each other's. Smiling uncontrollably, you all sit down once she got to Tommy and they began their vows.

You and Finn held hands for the entire ceremony and at one point, you rested your head on his shoulder, cuddling into him - feeling like a new person.

After the ceremony finished, the party moved to the grand house Tommy and Grace now owned. Everyone had a nice meal and danced the night away.

It was late in the evening, the party was still going on. You had gone onto the balcony, really feeling like a princess as you leans against the edge.

"You okay?" You hear Finn ask as he comes behind you; handing you a glass of champagne.

"Yeah" You breathe out as you sip on the drink. "Are you?"

"I am indeed" he smiles and you bite down on your lip. "You really do look beautiful Y/N"

"I feel so different" You breathe out a laugh. "But you know one thing I hate to admit?"

"What?" He smiles in amusement.

"I kind of like it" You admit with a grin; moving a little closer to him.

"Well." He begins. "I like you no matter what you look like."

"Well thank you" You giggle, him placing a hand on your cheek and bringing you closer. "Finn..." you whisper as he inches in closer to you.

"Just let it happen Y/N" He whispers, leaning in closer; making your blush even more. You take his advice, pressing your lips against his and the sparks fly immediately - passionately kissing in each other's arms.

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