Finn Shelby - 'Talk to me'

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You and Finn had been best friends since you could walk. The two of you used to do everything to together, from skipping school, running around like headless chickens; the two of you were inseparable. Finn suddenly grew up one day and became very "not fun" anymore, he would follow his brothers around the place and trying to be like them – which you hated. He was innocent and his brothers ripped that away from him.

"Have you seen Finn?" John asks as he came into the office one day, looking for his brother.

You were the secretary for the company, alongside Ada, Polly, Esme and Lizzie. Linda would come in sometimes, but it was very rarely.

"No I haven't" You answer dryly as you continue to type out on the type writer.

"Someone woke up with their panties in a twist." John smirked and nudged your shoulders. "I thought you and Finn were soul mates."

"Don't mock me John." You roll your eyes at him. "I have not seen Finn for months, nor would I like to see him."

"I will be glad to pass on the message" He called out as he walked away; going back outside.

"Be my guest." You shout so he can hear you. "I would love to do it myself if he actually wanted a conversation with me."

John walked out, his chuckle echoing the walls before he shut it. Typing again, you look up to see Polly raising an eyebrow at you.

"You are doing that thing again?" She makes you aware.

"What thing?" You ask innocently.

"That thing were when you are stressed out, your bloody leg doesn't stop shaking." She groan and slaps your thigh; making you stop.

"Shit, sorry Polly" You say, knowing it does in fact annoy her.

"Why don't you call it a day?" She suggested as you rubbed your tired eyes.

"No, I need to finish this off" You say as type out the rest of the sheet Tommy gave you; looking down at it every so often to know the next word to type.

"Suit yourself" She sighs and you look around to see every light off apart from yours. You listen to Polly walking out of the room and grab her coat. "Make sure you lock up after yourself."

"I will" You mutter and look to see it is in fact, 8pm. Yawning, you stretch your arms and rub your eyes once more. "Fuck, right, come on Y/N"

You continue to type up on the type writer the information, when you hear the sound of the back door slamming. Standing up quickly, you find something to protect yourself with; the next available thing being a wooden ruler.

Walking to the back room you poke your head round and see no one there. You frown as you walk around the corner; making your heart beat faster. Looking forwards again you see no one there and it begins to make you more panicked.

"Hello?" You call out as you hold the ruler a little higher; then feel someone push you to the wall and making you drop the ruler to the ground. Screaming, you feel a hand go over your mouth and you begin to panic more.

"Get off me!" You shout and then push the person to the wall in front of you. It did not help that it was dark but looking up you just about see the face of the person. "Finn?"

He doesn't say anything and starts going back, to what I imagine is what he came for – alcohol.

"Are you doing this to piss me off?" You snap at him as he walks past you. "Will you listen to me?"

He says nothing but just ignores you and organises some of the bottles in a small pile. Walking over, you knock them all over and the smash into nothing but liquid on the ground.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Finn yells as he steps back from the glass.

"Wow, first time talking to me and it is an insult." You glare to him. "Maybe we could be mature people and have a mature conversation. Or can you not handle that?"

"Stop being so petty" He rolls his eyes.

"Sorry, I forgot your perfect" You argue back to him; he starts to walk away from you. "Go on then Finn, run away again like a little baby! Go run back to your brother and arse lick them again."

"Yeah well I least my job is useful." He snaps, you laugh mockingly. "What is it that you do?"

"I do business Finn, I use my brain and use my ability of being able to read and write." You scoff and he folds his arms. "At least I know how to do those things."

"And you say that I think I am perfect?" He scoffs back, squaring up to you. "Just look at yourself?"

You shove him back; the force catching his off guard as he falls against the wall and his arms wrapping around your waist as you fall gently against him.

Staying quiet, the two of you just stare at each other for what feels like forever. You bite down on your lip and he looks to you with a slight smile; moving his hand to cup your cheek. Leaning your neck to the side and against his hand, you kiss it gently as he watches you with a smile.

"Please talk to me" You beg, a small whisper comes from your voice and afraid that you might burst into tears if you talk any louder.

"I am so sorry" He sighs and leans his forehead against yours.

"Finn, do you hate me?" You ask and he immediately shakes his head.

"Fuck no Y/N" He sighs and you look up to him with hopeful eyes. "I care about you so much, that I don't know how to react. I am so sorry beautiful."

"I have missed you" You stutter and he rubs his thumb against your cheek.

"Kiss me?" He says with a cheeky smile and you lean in slowly; placing a firm kiss to his lip before pulling away.

"Why did you come here?" You question.

"John told me-" He starts but you cut him off.

"He did that on purpose." You chuckle. "Wow, I actually really like your brother now."

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