Tommy Shelby - 'Thomas Shelby I am going to fucking kill you'

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"Deal" Alfie smiles as he shook Tommy's hand. "You look like a wreck. Banging a whore upstairs."

Tommy smirks and folds his arms; his muscles ripping into his shirt slightly. Alfie laughs at the man; internally mocking his ungodly manner of dealing with woman. One night fuck, he thought in his head.

"I have to say Tommy, I quite like it up here in the black country."

He walks around the room; looking out the window onto the streets of Birmingham on a Saturday morning.

"It is always so busy." He sighs, staring out more closely; observing everyone going past. "I can see why my sister likes it here so much."

He turned back to Tommy who stood with his hands in his pockets; looking to Alfie with no emotion.

"You ever see her?" He asks and Tommy shrugs his shoulders to the man question. It gets under Alfie's skin a bit and Tommy knew that more than anyone else. He walks around Tommy as he looks him up and down. "Just tell me Tommy."

Tommy still says nothing as he continues to go around the unmoved man. Alfie gives up and walks to the door in anger; looking back to Tommy.

"Stay away from here Thomas." He warns as finally walks out of the building. You walk down the stair; as if on cue and having no clue on the fact your brother was standing where you were a minute ago.

"Tommy" You groan as you wear his shirt. "What are you doing awake so early?"

"Nothing sweetheart." He walks over to you and kisses your lips softly; before pulling away and lighting a cigarette. You walk closer to him and takes the cigarette from his mouth; putting it in your own and smoking it for yourself.

"No gentleman at all Mr Shelby" Your raise an eyebrow as you smirk. "I thought you were much better at being gentleman like. First leaving a naked girl in your bed, alone. Then not offering her a cigarette. Thomas Shelby, how rude."

"Well sweetheart." He breathes out and makes your whole body explode with goosebumps. "Looks like I will have to treat the princess right."

"Yes it does" You smirk back to him; leaning against the stair post; biting your lip as you hold the cigarette in your hand. "Maybe we should treat the princess somewhere different."

Your eyes looked over to the kitchen as Tommy came closer and saw where your eyes were diverted too.

"Round two" He smirks as he lifts you up; making you squeal as he walks to the kitchen and your legs wrapped around him tightly.


"Fuck Tommy" You gasp as you both try and breathe for air.

"You weren't so bad yourself love" He smirks before kissing your lips once more; doing up his shirt and pants, before putting on his trousers. "You might want these back."

He throws your panties and bra to you; making your face flush as you put them on. You both change as you look to the clock to see that it is nearly lunch time.

"Should we go for lunch?" You ask Tommy who nods his head; before opening the door for you to walk out first.

"Thank you sir" You winked as you hurried on through.

You both went to the small café in the town centre beside the Garrison. Getting your meals, you both started to talk.

"So what did my brother want this morning?" You ask as Tommy frowns slightly; wondering how you knew. "- don't ask me that. I am not stupid Tommy, he is my brother. I know when the man is here or not. So answer my question, why is he in town and what did you talk about?"

"So many questions" He raises an eyebrow and sips on some whiskey.

"Yes." You agree. "So start answering them."

"It was just business" He hoarsely spoke and you nodded your head; agreeing with the man and his trustworthy ways but his vague answer did not cover it for you.

"What business?" You ask cheekily.

"Same old" He vaguely spoke again; making you roll your eyes again.

"Tommy" You groaned as you both ate your meal. "You drive me insane with you dumb replies."

"Stop being mean to me or I will do round three as soon as we leave here." He teases, yet a genuine tone soaks through his voice.

"It is illegal to do it in the streets Tommy." You tease him back and he wipes his mouth with the napkin before putting it down on the table. He smiles as he looks around the room.

"Yes you are correct my dear." He smirks. "But it is not at home."

"I am afraid Mr Shelby you might have to show me what you are talking about" You say slowly to edge him on.

"Fuck it." He pulls you to your feet and leave money on the table; yelling out 'keep the change' as you rush out the place and to his house.


"You are a god Thomas" You laugh as you collapse on the sofa; wrapped in nothing but a blanket; Tommy with his trousers on.

"Why thank you" He smirks and kisses the side of your head as you both look the celling.

"Tommy..." You whisper as you turn to put your chin on his bare chest. "I love you."

"I love you too" You grins back as his kisses your nose.

"Tommy I thought we had a fucking deal." You hear the familiar voice of Alfie shout as he barged in the room; seeing you in the sheets on top of the Shelby.

"What the fuck." He growls in shock as you stand up with the sheet around your body; standing behind Tommy in modesty and protection. "What the actual fuck!"

"Alfie I think you should leave" Tommy softly speaks; trying not to anger him.

"Fuck!" He yells and hits the wall. "I knew I should not have let you move here!"

"I can do what I want Alfie." He mutter and do not want to anger him at all. "I am an adult and my own person."

"Yes but with Thomas fucking Shelby" He groans and smacks his head. "Tell me I am having a fucking nightmare. Someone pinch me. Hey wait a minute! You were fucking some whore this morning-"

"Shit" You mutter and Alfie's nostrils flare.

"Thomas Shelby I am going to fucking kill you" He yells.


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