Arthur Shelby - 'Jealousy, Brother'

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"Welcome to the gang" John smiled as he hugged you from the side; grinning down at you.

"Thank you" You blushed; looking up and catching eyes with Arthur – the man you have had a small thing for since the two of you were children.

You had been best friends with John for the longest time, the two of you did lots of things together and made tones of memories with one another – Arthur was always jealous of how the two of you were together and he used to get really caught up about it.

"I am sure Y/N will bring lots of good fortune to the company." Tommy smiled as he patted you on the back for support; never being the hands on type of communicator.

"She will" Arthur blurted out; making you blush profusely as the two of you caught eye contact once again.

"I hope so" You confessed. "I have seen the masterminds do it, so I think I have picked up some of the traits."

"I am sure you have" John laughs; shovelling your hair around and causing you to swat his arm away. You heard a small growl come from Arthur, as the two of you continued to mess around – which winded him up even more.

You started talking with the others, that were in the bar and part of the celebration of you as a newcomer to the gang. Ada sat beside you and both of you drank quite a lot, both of you sure it was to take its toll very soon.

"I think Arthur likes you, you know?" Ada smirked as she caught her brother looking at you again, throughout the entire night.

"What makes you think that?" You subtly ask, but internally freaking out that it could be the case.

"He watches your every move; it is like he is protecting you from afar." She spoke and you blushed even more; trying not to let it affect you as you spoke calmly.

"How romantic" You tease; raising your eyebrows up and down – making the two of you laugh out loud uncontrollably.

"I mean it though" Ada breathes out a laugh; after the two of you finished your school girl giggles. "All playfulness aside, I genuinely think that he does truly care for you."

"Ada! Stop it" You blushed even more, looking back to Arthur while you sipped on your drink; breaking no eye contact.

"Do you like him still?" She raises an eyebrow and you smirk to her; no longer looking at Arthur anymore.

"Still?" You questioned and she nodded her head fast.

"Yeah, still?" She asks and you sip on your drink.

"Maybe" You shrug; trying to play cool. Ada rolled her eyes and you smacked her arm; while erupting into a fit of laughter again.

"I think you should try to make him jealous" She raises her eyebrows up and down in amusement. Your eyes smile, alongside your mouth too; knowing it will be such a fun idea to do so – to see how much Arthur thought of you.

"How?" You ask and Ada scoffs.

"Y/N, have you looked around you" She looks around the room.

"Drunk men?" You frown, turning your nose up at the idea. Ada laughs at your answer and then shakes her head; not saying anything else, but pointing to her other brother – John. "John?"

"Mhm" She hummed with a sly smirk on her face. "I know Arthur would be highly jealous."

"Why would he be?" You frown. "John and I are just good friends? Arthur surely would not get jealous at that. Would he?"

"Find out for yourself" She raises her eyebrows up and down; making you think it through before you go over and do the business needed to make Arthur jealous.

Looking back to Arthur, then to Ada, you grab her drink and chug it back in one gulp – wiping your mouth afterwards and then walking over to John.

"John!" You squeal as you fall in his lap; seeing Arthur who is next to him, tense up due to the close contact you had with his younger brother. "Dance with me?"

"Y/N, go dance with someone else." John laughs and brushes you off.

"No, I want to dance with you! Please John?" You whine, making him groan at you as he stands up – you going on the ground once more.

"Fine" He moans and holds your arm as you go to the dance floor.

His hands hold onto your waist as you look behind him, to see Arthur watching the both of you intently and you internally smirk at his well awaited reaction. John suspected what you were doing and caught on who you were trying to make jealous.

"God, you could not make it more obvious could you?" He rolled his eyes.

"What?" You innocently battered your eyelashes to him; embarrassed that he could possibly know and therefore tell Arthur.

"Don't act all unknowing Y/N" John winked and you rolled your eyes. "If you wanted to make my brother jealous, you could have told me about it first."

"I don't know what you are talking about" You avoid the topic, still looking at Arthur as you went around and around.

"You think I am stupid?" He laughs and you raise an eyebrow, agreeing with his statement. He smacked your arm playfully and continued what he was saying. "Well apparently, due to unpopular belief, I am unable to tell when my best friend is completely infatuated by my own brother."

"Big words for a little boy" You smiled and he rolled his eyes; becoming completely serious.

"I am serious Y/N" He says and you nod your head. "If you wanted my help, you should have told me. So, as your best friend, I intend to help."

"What do you mean?" You ask, confused as though he meant something specific that he had in mind. He looked to Arthur and then you, leaning in to kiss you.

"Go along with it." He muttered and you nodded your head; awaiting for something to happen – not knowing whether it was to be a good thing or a bad thing. Before you knew, your arm was being dragged away; outside and away from everyone else.

Arthur pulled you alongside him and threw you against the wall behind you.

"What was that about?" He angrily asked and you said nothing but smirked at him. "Y/N, stop messing around."

"It worked" You happily grinned and his face made a confused look.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asks and you smile; putting your hands on his chest.

"You were jealous." You whispered and your hands trailed to the back of his head; playing with the ends of his hair.

"Maybe I was" He honestly answered, which made you grin more.

"Good" You whispered and placed your lips on Arthur – which had been long awaited for sure.

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