John Shelby - 'Christmas Wish'

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The world seemed to crush down, right in front of you - or so it felt like that in your eyes. As soon as John said the words "War" and "I have been called up", you world ended momentarily.

A huge group gathered around on the estate that you and John owned. It was close family and friends, sending John off into battle; looking forward to seeing him as soon as he returned.

It was a very emotional day for you.

"Hey, I won't ask how you are feeling-" Ada sighed as she pulled you into her side. "-but I want you to know I am here for you."

"Thank you Ada" You breathes out, not having enough tears to shed anymore.

Walking back inside, you sit on yours and Johns bed, looking at the photo of the two of you beside your table.

"Thought I would find you in here." You looked up to see John leaning on the side of the wall, in his uniform looking very handsome.

Looking at him with sad eyes, he came over and put you on his lap. The two of you hugging ever so tightly, afraid of letting go.

You had no words to say to him.

"I have to go now." He whispers and you nod your head, wiping away the tears and holding his hand as you both walk out to the rest of the group.

"Goodbye brother" Arthur sadly hugged his brother, patting his back. "Be safe and we will make sure we will look after her."

"Thank you" He sincerely says and hugs Polly. Ada starts crying as she says goodbye and you have to keep wiping the tears away.

John then comes to you, cupping your cheek and kissing you passionately. Your hands go to his chest, gripping on his shirt and hoping he would never be able to get out of the grip.

"I love you so much." He whispers, pulling away and then pressing his lips to your forehead.

"I love you." You cry, which he wipes away the tears and cries with you.

"Please smile sweetheart." He breathes out, making you pout and shake your head; making him laugh - which results in your smile. "That's what I want, until I get home again okay? Keep smiling sweetheart, I will be back."


"I promise."

John kisses your lips once more, before walking towards the car that the army had provided him - alongside a driver.

John waved as he got in, making your heart burst even more with sadness. Polly wrapped her arm around you and watched as the car started to drive off.

"John!" You screamed as you ran after the car, everyone else watching sadly at the two of you being ripped apart by war.

The car stopped and John got out, running to meet you and picked you up, before smacking his lips against you. His tongue smashed against yours and you both got a little to into the kiss, but John pulled back - completely flustered and got into the car before driving away again.

"I love you..."


4 years later.

The war had ended in most parts.

"Christmas is still not the same without him." You huffed, as you thought of your husband fighting the enemy.

"He will be back soon, I am sure." Ada sighed as she baked the cookies for the Christmas gathering in the local village.

"Have you heard from him?" Lizzie asked as she came in, bringing baskets for the cookies.

"Not for at least a month or two." You frowned, not really wanting to think of it.

"I am sure you will soon" Polly said as she came into the kitchen, glaring at Lizzie for making you feel more worried about not hearing from your husband.

"I am excited for this tonight though" You spoke. "I'm glad I have you guys with me and I really want to thank you for the support you have given me."

"Have you got your paper ball, with a wish on?" Linda asked as she came in with the box of paper ball balls that she was handing out.

"I have done mine!" Ada smiled.

"Me too" I copied and put the cookies into the basket to be taken away.

"I think we should get changed." Polly suggested and we all ran upstairs to change into our dresses and our best coats.

You all walked into the village and everyone hung up their wishes on the tree, walking into the church to sing carols and eat!

You hung back and watched everyone go in, retreading your wish before you put it on your tree.

"You okay?" Polly asked as she held your hand. "You coming in?"

"I will be there soon" You smiled weakly, with Polly not arguing, she walked into the church and out of the cold.

Snow fell down gently as you stood outside, looking up at the tree.

Your hands shook slightly as you hung the wishing ball on the tree; taking a deep breath in as you put your hands to your side.

"I really hope my name is on that thing" You heard the familiar voice say, making you turn around and see John standing there in his uniform - looking so handsome.

"John?" You grinned and your eyes teared up. He leant in and pushed his lips against yours, his hands going on your waist and bringing you closer.

Pulling away, you both looked to each other out of breath.

"Merry Christmas Y/N" He smiled softly, cupping your cheek and kissing your forehead.

Bursting out into happy cries, you hugged into him and he picked you up; twirling you around which made you squeal.

"I love you." You grinned and kissed his lips over and over again.

"I love you too" He put you down, his hands on your hips and walking backwards.

"Y/N, are you ok?" You heard Ada come out and ask, too which she looked closer and saw her brother standing there. "John!"

People heard and everyone ran out of the church to greet John.

"Good to have you back brother" Tommy grinned and hugged his brother.

"It's good to be back" He grinned as he hugged everyone and then pulled you into his side; kissing you once more.

You all sang the night away, eating lots and drinking more than enough! It was a lot of fun, and a perfect way to begin Christmas!

When you and John got home, you both held hands as you walked inside; before you let go and took off your coat. You suddenly felt his hands go around your body, kissing your neck as moved you to his chest.

"John" You let out softly before turning around to face him and you immediately attached your lips to his in an act of desperation.

"I fucking love you" He moaned on your lips as he picked you up and made up for lost time ;)

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