John Shelby - 'Family Meeting'

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"Arthur, Tommy's called a family meeting." Finn shouted as he pulled Arthur into the room alongside the rest of the main leaders of the gang.

"Arthur!" Finn sighed as he came over to you; leaning against the stairs as he looked up to you sat down on the. "He just beat the shit out of an apprentice."

"For fuck sake" you groaned; knowing full well it would cause trouble.

"I had to take half the kid away in buckets." He added and you turned your nose up in disgust at the idea of how bad Arthur had beat up the man.

"Arthur! Come on." Finn ran away to pull Arthur into the room; all beat up ever so slightly.

"Hey sweetheart" John smiled as he came to you. He was in his waist coat and shirt; looking very hot.

"Hey" you frowned; him knowing full well you hate family meetings.

"I know you hate them Y/N" He sighs as you fold your arms; looking away from him. "But you are here because you are family Y/N. They do want you here."

"Funny way of showing it" You roll your eyes; remembering the countless times that Polly has shot your idea down.

"Sit down, Finn." Polly snaps to the teenage boy as you look at her through the wooden gap.

"Where the bloody hell is Tommy?" Arthur groaned and sat down on the chair; looking in the crate next to him.

"He's on his way." Polly answered. John was still in front of you.

"Just give me a kiss" He moaned as you looked to him and obliging to his demand. It was a short peck but full of love as he walked away from you.

"All right then, while we're waiting patiently whiskey" Arthur suggested as he got a glass and poured some of the disgusting liquid in the glass. "-Left over from the explosion."

Arthur drank in back in one and then looked to the full bottle.

"It's good stuff, as well." He muttered and John rolled his eyes; folding his arms while he clenched his jaw.

"Right Before Tommy gets here, I think there's a few things we need to get straight between the rest of us." Polly spoke as she stood up looking around the room.

"YOU think?" Arthur slurred slightly as he chucked the drink back for the third time in the last 2 minuetes.

"Yeah." John scoffs and looks to his Aunt. You stay quiet as you looked to the ground and feeling very bitter.

"Yeah, I do." Polly snapped. "I want to know when did we all take a vote on this expansion south?"

"If you have anything to say, you wait for Thomas." John harshly spoke as he clenched his jaw more.

"Polly's fucking right." You mumbled as you looked to them all.

"I see all the books. Legal and off track." Polly begins as she walks around the room. "Sort of stuff you don't see."

"And in the past year the Shelby Company Limited has been making £150 a day." John interrupts.

She slammed her hands on the table; making you jump slightly at the pissed off woman. Tommy walked in as he looked to everyone, seeing how on edge they were.

"Right? A fucking day." She shouts sternly. "Sometimes more. So what I want to know is why are we changing things?"

Everyone looks to each other, slightly agreeing with her point.

"Right, look what's happened already.
We haven't even set foot in London yet and they've already blown up our fucking pub."  Polly snaps to her nephews as she put her hands on the table in front of her.

"Who said anything about cockneys?" You looked to them as Tommy walked in. John rolled his eyes and huffed quietly.

"Who else?" Arthur questioned and all eyes were on you.

"Do you know who did it, do you?" Tommy speaks down to you as you bite down on your lip to stop from answering back and getting pissed off with him.

"No, she doesn't know who did it." John answered for me.

"I'm told only family are allowed to speak." You roll your eyes as Polly glares and John watches you intently.

"Everyone's allowed to speak." Tommy  encouraged you to carry on. "On your feet, Y/N, let's hear what you have to say."

"I speak for our household." John steps in, trying to stop you but it only made you a little more mad that he did not trust you.

"John, this company is a modern enterprise and believes in equal rights for women." Tommy stopped him and then turned to you once more. "On your feet, Y/N."

You stood up slowly and looked around to everyone watching you.

"I'm not a blood member of this family but perhaps, indeed, because I'm NOT a member I can see things in a different light." You spoke softly; looking around more. "So I'll get to my point."

"That would be nice." Polly rolled her eyes and you glared to her.

"As my husband said, Shelby Company Limited is now very successful. But London I have kin in Shepherd's Bush and Portobello. It's more like wars between armies down there. And the coppers fight side-by-side with them. And there are foreigners of every description and the use of bombs is the least of it." You inform them and then you look to John. "I have a child, blessed with the Shelby family good looks. I want John to see him grow up. I want us to someday live somewhere with fresh air and trees and keep chickens or something. But London is just smoke and trouble, Thomas."

"Thomas?" Polly scoffed.

"That's all I have to say." You look down and sit back on the stairs. John looks at you longer and then gives you a little wink.

"That was a lot of words, a lot of words." Tommy sighs.

"Wash them down with a nice drink." Arthur chuckles and you shake your head no.

"Thank you, Y/N" Tommy nods his head to you. "Firstly, the bang in the pub was nothing to do with London. Understood? The bang is something I'm dealing with on my own."

Everyone nodded in reply and suddenly your hands become more interesting than what is happening. After all, who would listen to you?

"Secondly, we've nothing to fear from the proposed business expansion so long as we stick together." Tommy pointed to everyone in the room - generically. "And after the first few weeks, nine tenths of what we do in London will be legal. The other tenth is in good hands. Isn't that right, Arthur?"

"That's right." Arthur slurred and then tommy turned to everyone else once more. "Now, some of you in this room have expressed their reservations. Fair enough."

People looked around as you stared at Tommy.

"Any of you who want no part in the future of this company, walk out the door right now. Go raise your chickens." He mocks and you rolled you eyes. "For those of you with ambition ... the expansion process begins tomorrow."

Everyone went silent and either nodded their head, or stayed still.

"Meeting dismissed." He walked away; Polly following after him.

"Y/N" John called for you as you stormed out the house; back to your own house. You were done with being mocked all the time and not listened to.

So fed up.

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