John Shelby - 'After war'

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"John Shelby, this is my little sister Y/N" Your brother Matt introduced you to the handsome man, at the celebration of the end of the war.

"It is a pleasure to meet you" John smiles; picking up your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckle delicately.

"And you" You blush as you look at how handsome he is; especially in his army uniform. Pulling your hand back slowly, your eyes stay connected to one another's and you cannot seem to pull away from them.

"This is my favourite song" John smiles and then looks around to see the people dancing. "Care to share a dance with me?"

"I would be delighted" You smile gently back, placing your arm around his as you excuse yourself from your brother; walking to the dance floor with his best friend.

You get to the dance floor and John puts one hand on your petite waist; bringing you in closer to him. Your hands interlock and rest on his chest, swaying to the music as you dance in small circles.

"How long have you been back from France?" You ask him as you lean you look up to him.

"2 days" He answers shortly; making you get very self conscious on what to say next.

"Oh" You blurt out and he smiles down at you.

"It is good to be home" He breathes out a sigh of relief; moving his body closer to you. "Matt was telling me that you nurses in France for a while."

"I did" you reply. "But I had to come home, my mother was very sick and needed someone with her at all times."

"You did your duty" He said. "You did what you needed to do best."

"Sometimes I wished I could of helped more" You shrug and he shakes his head no; making your eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What?"

"You did your part in the war" He answers sincerely. "You helped. It doesn't matter how long for, you playing a part. If anyone tells your otherwise, then let me deal with them."

"Mr Shelby, is that a threat?" You blush, but wink to him in a flirty manner.

"Sweetheart, it is a promise" He winks back, but means the words he says as you slowly lean your head against his chest; still swaying to the music.

The silence between you was not awkward, the sound of the music helped a lot as you moved around slowly; embracing in each other's presence.

"You know," He begins; making you face him once more. "I have no idea what song this is. I just wanted an excuse to dance with you."

You say nothing, but try to control your grin as you blush a deep red.

"I would have danced with you anyways" You confess confidently, making him smirk back to you and he winks down to you.

"That's good then" He smiles and you lean your head back on his chest; moving along to the next song as it was performed by the band.

You both danced all night, up until your feet started to hurt. It was past midnight and John said he would walk you home because your brother had already gone back with his fiancé.

"My feet hurt" You gasp in pain as you take off your heels; stumbling slightly as you take them off.

"Here" He says and goes to pick you up but you move away from him playfully; then jumping on his back as he wraps his arms around your legs.

You both laugh as he walks down the lane; you still on his back as you hold your heels with one hand and wrapping your hands around his upper chest. He takes a detour and you both get to the park; placing you down on the swimming, pushing you back.

"John!" You giggle as you swing back in laughter; kicking your legs in the air as you are pushed backwards and forewords.

Laughing even more, the two of you mess around in the park; getting to know each other as you act like children - something that was needed to end the war atmosphere.

"It is one o'clock am" John raises an eyebrow as he looks to you; making you stand up and stumble slightly, because of the dizziness of the swing. He puts his hands on your waist as you put yours on his chest.

"I should get home" You whisper as you look up to him; smiling as his eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

"I can walk you back" He whispers back; leaning in slightly to you as you step back, afraid on what was about to happen.

"Thank you" You tease as you walk away from him; hearing a groan as you skip off in barefoot. He catches up to you and stands beside you.

In silence, you both walk to your house; your hands brushing past each other as you continue to walk slowly and surely enough, his hand envelopes yours as you walk outside the front of your house.

"This is my stop" you turn around as you lean against the fence. "Thank you for walking me home."

He puts his hands in his pockets and you both stand there awkwardly; looking to each other as you bite down on your lip.

"Goodnight John" You whisper as you turn your back away, walking away but a hand clasps around your arm; pulling you back to him.

He pulls you closer to his chest, you place your hands on his chest and looks to him. His hand is placed on your cheek and he leans in. Your heart stops for a moment as you feel the heat of his breath on your face as he inches closer.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers; nodding your head in reply, unable to speak at all.

As your lips brush past one another, about to full on kiss him; you hear the door open which pulls you apart from each other. The light goes on and your drunk brother walks out the house, talking gibberish as he comes to you both.

"I should go" You whisper and he coughs as he steps back, away from you.

"Goodnight sweetheart" He says; kissing your cheek instead.

You turn your back and see your brother sitting on the chair; head up to the sky. Turning back around to John you run to him and press your lips against his gently, before pulling away and walking back to your brother.

"Meet me here tomorrow at 9am?" You hear him ask as you help your brother inside.

"It's a date" You giggle as you bid him goodnight as you walk into the house; shutting the door and ending the night heavenly.

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