Alfie Solomons - 'Change'

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"You are not going to come" Tommy warns; pointing a finger to your face. "It is way too dangerous."

"I have met him before" You rolled your eyes and huff; annoyed at your cousin who is so protective.

"This time it is different." He lights a cigarette and breathes out the smoke. "It's a club and in London, a bad combination."

"Tommy, just for once, will you actually let me do what I fucking want to do?" You groan and stamp your feet.

"Look, I just want to keep you safe." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. You know Alfie is dangerous but that is all I can warn you. If you want to come, come but if any shit happens - you will have to deal with it yourself."

"Fine. Yes, yes that's fine" You reassure yourself; to make sure you will keep yourself safe. "Thank you!"

You kiss his cheek as you walk out his hotel room; going to see your Ada, who you were sharing the hotel room with.

"We are going Ada" You squeak as you poke your head around the corner; seeing Ada doing her hair. "So put your best glad rads on!"

"No way did he say yes!" She gasps in shock - just as I was when he agreed.

"Oh yes he did" You giggle and cheer; the both you of you excited to be able to be free women for one night. "Now hurry up and let's get ready!"


"Geez you gorgeous!" Ada gasps as the two of you spin around in your dresses.

"And so are you" You wink to her as you start to get your clutch bags and walk into the pub arm in arm.

Looking around, you see the men at the bar; some talking to women as they lean provocatively against the men they are with.

"It is so busy" You gasp as you continue to look around.

"I will go get us some drinks" Ada smiles as she steps away from you; pulling her arm out of yours and walking away.

Men drinking push past you; looking you up and down as they stumble, holding their drink close to them. As you look through the gap, you try and find a table. The people on the dance floor all go and sit down as the music stops; refreshing to get a drink. As you look straight ahead, your eyes latch onto the familiar man laughing to the people around him.

It was Alfie. He looked so different and had cut his hair; trimmed his beard too and you couldn't help but think how attractive he looked. As he stopped laughing, he turned and looked ahead; catching your eyes on him. His laughter died down and he looked to you; smiling at you. Biting on your lip, you look down to the ground and tucks your hair behind your ear.

"You got us a table?" You hear Ada's voice say from beside you as you jump slightly. Looking up, you shake your head no.

"No I didn't" You sigh as you sip your drink; turning back to look at Alfie and seeing him not there. "But there might be one over there."

You both walk over to the free table and sit down; sipping on your drink.

"It is so busy" you gasp and a man walks over to the table.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked Ada who blushed; looking up to him.

"Yes" She giggled and held his arm as the both walked to the dance floor and leaving you alone.

Sipping on your drink, you look around aimlessly and your mind goes back to Alfie's new look.

"You know it isn't very lady like to stare?" You hear a voice from behind you, bringing you to reality as you turned and looked up to see Alfie.

"Daydreaming is the right word" you corrected him, drinking your whiskey.

"And you are even drinking the strong stuff." He sits down beside you.

"What, can women not do that too" You smirk; raising an eyebrow to him. He chuckles and looks to the crowd, brushing a hand under his chin.

"You are very different" he says and looks back to you.

"I will take that as a compliment Mr Solomon's." You smile as you lean your chin against your hand, which rests on the table.

"Good." He smiles back and you raise an eyebrow.

"So, why did you change your look?" You ask. "Trying to impress someone?"

"What would It mean if I answered that question with a yes?" He smirks and you roll your eyes playfully; leaning closer into him and your lips go close to his ear.

"Then I would know you were lying." You whisper and you see him shudder with pleasure; gripping his glass - knuckles going white.

"And how would you know that?" He whispers, turning his head to face you. Looking down at your lips.

"Alfie Solomon's doesn't change for a girl" You mutter and he smirks to you.

"Then you don't know him that well" He raises an eyebrow and you lean back ever so slightly.

"Then maybe I don't" you admit; wanting to get to know him.

"Would you want to?" He asks; not looking to you once more and looking to the people dancing in front of you.

"If i said yes, what would it mean?" You answer with a question. He stands up and looks down to you; offering his hand out.

"Dance with me?" He says; demanding more than anything else but you did not mind at all. You put your hand in his as you walk through the crowd, people gasping and watching as you walk hand in hand to the dance floor.

A slow blues song starts playing by the live band. Alfie puts a hand on your waist and another clasping your hand - your hand on his shoulder; and your hand holding his, moved to rest against his chest.

"Yes" You smile to him; making him frown in confusion.

"What?" He asks, as you sway from side to side.

"I would like to get to know you" you look to him before leaning your head against his chest slightly.

"Good" He replies and has a massive grin on his face.

"By the way Alfie." You whisper. "You look incredibly handsome."

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