Thomas Shelby - 'Invincible'

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You were a qualified nurse for over 4 years.

Often doing work for the Shelby family over the years, whenever they were sick or in trouble and needed a nurse. It was completely illegal and against the code of nursing, to nurse a bunch of criminals under so official practice - but that did not stop you.

"Take this and you will feel a lot better" You smiled as you handed some cough syrup to Ada, who was suffering with a bad cold.

"Thank you Y/N" She coughed and took some of the syrup straight out the bottle.

"Make sure you measure it first" You scolded her, before laughing and shaking your head; walking out the house.

Walking to your bike, you tied your nursing gear to your bike and started to walk while you held your bike.

"Y/N" You hear the familiar voice say, making you turn around and see Tommy standing there.

"Hey Tom" You smiled and stood still, holding your bike.

"How are you?" He asks as he lights a cigarette.

"You know, it's bad to smoke." You teased, but was very serious. Tommy did his classic smirk as he looked to you, breathing out the smoke and throwing the cigarette to the ground.

"Well-" He moves closer towards you. "-it hasn't killed me yet."

You breathed in, nervous on how close he was to you.

"I forgot, the great Tommy Shelby is invincible." You smirked and Tommy moved even more closer.

"Is that what you think?" He questions with a smirk still over his face.

"It's something I know Mr Shelby" Your breathing hitched and you felt his breath on your face.

"Y/N?" You heard someone's voice say, making you move away from Tommy quickly. It was the head nurse, for the hospital you worked at.

"Yes Mrs" You stuttered as you walked past Tommy and went to her.

"I hope you are not going to be late again." She raises her eyebrow.

"No mrs, I-" you looked to your watch and saw you were in fact late.

"Exactly, you are late." She snaps. "If you are late one more time, then you will be taken off the hospital wards, with a disciplinary mark on your record."

"I'm sorry" You mumbled and walked away, going off to work.


You came home from your busy shift and you were in your nightdress; harmlessly sat on your sofa. Feet up, a hot cup of tea in your hand, you stared at the photos of your family on the mantelpiece - knowing how proud they would be of you.

Standing up and clearing away your washing up, the sound of the door banging loudly startled you.

Walking to the door cautiously, you felt like something bad was happening and you could not shake off the feeling.

"Y/N!" You heard the door bang harder, with the familiar sound of the person. "We need your help now!"

Opening the door, you saw Arthur and John stranding there, holding a limp Tommy in their hands.

"What happened?" You gasped as you brought them in, cleaning away anything that was on the table; allowing them to lay down Tommy.

"They fucking shot him." John snarled and you panicked, pushing them out the way. You ripped Tommy's shirt open impulsively; but only so you could see his wound.

"Grab me some of the bandages that are on the side and the morphine too." You shouted to Arthur, while you put your hands on Tommy's face. "Tommy, you need to listen to me. Please wake up, I don't want you to sleep Tom!"

"Y/N-" Arthur begins to say.

"What?" You shouted and looked back to them standing there.

"There is nothing there" He said and your heart dropped.

"Fuck, I need to get some!" You mumbled and looked to Tommy. "I'll be back in a second. Stay with him, put some pure alcohol on his wound."

"Where are you going?" John asked, watching you at you shoved on a skirt and top quickly.

"To the hospital." You rushes and ran out the house.

Once you got to the hospital, you sneakily tried to get into the store room. As you walked in quietly, you went in and grabbed all the bits you needed to help with saving Tommy.

As you walked out, you rushed out the ward and tried to not look suspicious as you carried all the bits.

"Y/N?" You heard someone say as you turned your head; seeing one of your friends standing there. "What are you doing?"

She looked to the things in your hands and frowned. You said nothing and she knew exactly what you were doing.

"Are you crazy! that's stealing!" She snapped and grabbed your arm.

"I need to help him" You angrily spat, going to walk away.

"Someone will catch you one day Y/N, besides, why shouldn't I tell them now?" She frowns and you stand still.

"I am doing my duty to the public-" You began but she cut you off.

"- They are criminals-"

"-I am not listening to this!" You huffed and walked away.

"They are dangerous people!" She shouted and you ran back to the house; knowing she really would not say anything.

As you rushed through the door, you immediately went to Tommy and checked him over.

"How is he?" You asked them as you grabbed the things you needed.

"He seems to be okay, but he is sweating." John observed.

"We need to make sure he does not get a fever." You took out the bullet and managed to ensure Tommy was kept alive and well.

Once he was settled, they moved Tommy to your bed and allowed him to get some rest. You stayed beside Tommy's side and made sure he was okay.

"Please wake up Tommy" you yawned, after being awake for nearly 24 hours.

As you rested your head down on the bed, you closed your eyes.


"She was amazing last night Tommy" You heard, when you slowly started to wake up. "I think she felt us talking about her."

"Morning Y/N" You heard Polly's voice say when you opened your eyes.

"What time is it?" You gasped as you stood up quickly.

"10:30 am" Arthur answered and you mentally slapped yourself.

"I'm so late!" You groaned and looked around; seeing Tommy staring at you. "Oh my god!"

You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around him tightly. He groaned slightly and hugged you back gently. The others lefts quietly leaving the both of you alone.

"How are you feeling?" You asked, pulling back slowly and watching him intently.

"I'm okay" He smiles and looked to you; starting to laugh.

"What?" You blushed.

"You said I was invincible" He mumbled and he pulls you closer to him, not caring if his was in any pain.

"Yeah and what?" You smiled, confused on what he was talking about.

"You are the one that makes me invincible" He whispers and you press your lips against his gently.

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