Bonnie Gold - 'I Choose Her 2'

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"Me?" You gasp as you look; but your heart breaks as you see who has voted for you.

"Go!" Elsa pushes you as you stand to your feet; being taken to the side of the ring. You look to Bonnie as his fists clench up; furrowing his eyebrows as he watches his enemy taking the girl he wanted to choose.

"Right, Lucas has chosen his girl." The man shouts and looks to Bonnie. "Bonnie, you choose your girl."

"I choose her too" He calmly speaks and you look to him; blushing as you have never had this happen to you before.

The crowd screamed with a cheer as the two wanted you; making you blush even more as you saw Elsa raising her eyebrows up and down.

"Okay then!" The announcer smirked as he watched the two men squaring up to each other; making you flinch slightly. "Let the fight begin!"

The bell went off and the fight began. It seemed all a blur to you as you watched them fight; flinching all the time as you turned your head away from them attacking each other all the time. Bonnie was being absolutely destroyed as he took each punch from Lucas. You wanted Bonnie to win, as you wanted to go on the date with him but at the moment, you were unsure whether that was to happen at all.

"And that's the end!" The man yelled and you saw Bonnies bloody face as he looked to you; shaking his head no as he stumbled back. "And the winner is, Lucas Mann!"

"Fuck" You mutter under your breath.

"Lucas, you have your prize!" The announcer pulled your hand to come into the ring. You look to Bonnie as he sits on the chair; drinking water as he looked towards you.

Lucas grabbed your hand and kissed it, while the crowd cheered. You blushed, not because of his gesture but because of the crowd that made you feel very uneasy. Everyone went away and you saw Elsa walking out with some of the others as she waved you goodbye.

"I am going to change, I will come out here when I have finished." Lucas smiled, making you nod your head in reply as he walked away; leaving you alone in the ring.

You traced your hand along the rings strings as you walked around; ringing the bell gently as you heard the echo of it bounce off the walls.

"Round 1" You heard a familiar voice say; making you turn around and see Bonnie standing there all cleaned up.

"I had no idea-" you begin to say but he cuts you off.

"You wouldn't have" He smiles. "Neither would I have expected you to know."

"You played very well." You stutter and he laughs; making you blush even more.

"Thanks, but that was not my best performance." He shakes his head, putting his hands in his pockets as he walks closer. "I should have focused more."

"Yes, you should have" You wink, growing in confidence. "Then I would have been going out with you, rather than the beef cake in there." You nod your head towards Lucas' room where he was changing. Bonnie laughs as he looks to where you are looking.

"I am very sorry" He softly speaks and you shrug playfully.

"Too late now, isn't it Mr Gold?" You bite down on your lip; folding your arms as you look to him.

"Well, I would like to take you out." He blurts out, your eyes widening at his openness. "I would like to get to know you."

"I would like that very much." You smiled back, nodding your head as you looked to him.

"Good, I am glad we can agree on that." He breathes out.

"Me too" You look up to him; admiring his face. A bruise was on his face and it made you wince; you lifted your hand and touched over it slightly.

Bonnie stayed still, allowing you to touch his face. You weren't aware of the intimacy of the two of you, as you were so caught up in the moment to realise - neither of you thought anything of it. That was until a door opened, making you step back and move your hand.

"Ready to go?" Lucas asked as he looked up; then seeing Bonnie as you looked away from them both. "Nice game boy, shame about the loss. Maybe you should put on some weight and fight better."

"Leave him be" You shook your head, Lucas looking at you with a frown. "Let's go."

You walked off with Lucas; turning around and seeing Bonnie watch you walk away, regretting not winning the fight and not getting you to take on a date.


"I have won 14 fights, one being when I was only 14 years old." Lucas continued to talk about himself the entire evening and it really bored you. "I have put on a lot of weight, which is what you need. I am the best in the country I am sure."

You zoned off, looking to the other side of the room. He doesn't seem to notice you as he continues to eat and talk more.

"I am going to go to the bathroom" he says; making you look to him.

"Okay." You smile slightly, watching him stand up and walk away.

As you watch him, he walks off to a group of girls and he begins to chat with them. You sit there for half an hour and he still stands there, chatting to them. Shaking your head, you stand up and walk away - leaving the bar as you stomp off in anger. As you walk out, you see Bonnie walking with some men as they go to walk into the Garrison.

"Y/N" He calls out and you shake your head; walking away from him. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I am fine" You snap, looking away from him and keep walking down the street. "He is a prick, a complete arsehole!"

"I know he is" Bonnie scoffed as he followed you.

"He walked away from our meal, after talking about himself all evening and then spoke to other girls for half an hour. While I stood there, looking like a lemon and an absolute moron." You blurt out, talking fast and in an angry tone. "I didn't want anything from him, but it is polite to go through with a date until the end - not that I wanted it anyways."

"Then lets go out now." He smiles and lifts your chin up to face him and stop talking.

"You are out with those people" You whisper. "I wouldn't want to take you away from them."

"You won't be" He smiles and then moves his hand; placing it in yours as he walks with you. The two of you walk down the street, your fingers loosely holding each other's as you walk down the street.

The two of you were continuing to laugh uncontrollably as you walked all over small heath. The two of you learnt so much about each other and you both shared a lot in common. After hours of chatting, it had turned 1am in the morning and you knew you should be heading home - but you did not want the night to end at all.

Bonnie walked you home, still chatting as you got to your front doorstep. You lived with Elsa and you knew she would be probably panicking as to where you were.

"Thank you for walking me home" You smiled as you leant against the door side, him standing in front of you closely.

"You are more than welcome" He smiled back and you looked to the ground with a huge grin on your face. "I had a lot of fun."

"Well, Goodnight then Bonnie" You whispered, looking up to him.

"Goodnight Y/N" He copies and leant up; pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth - making you blush even more. "I will see you soon."

You walked into the house, with a smirk on your face - completely and utterly smitten as you got into bed, ignoring anything that Elsa was saying.

All you could think of was him.

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