John Shelby - 'I didn't know 2'

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You had not seen John since the dinner and you had told Mary about you knowing the man; the man that you had already had acquaintances with.

"Today is the day" She breathes out as she looks to herself in mirror; admiring the way she looked in her dress.

"You look beautiful" You smile and Mary's mother comes behind you; putting a hand on your shoulder and the other on Mary's.

"She really does" She agrees with you and then kisses both of your cheeks. "It is nearly time Mary, are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be" She breathes out in reply and you smile to her. Her mother walks out, talking to her husband as the two of you share a moment. "If you don't want to walk down with him, then I can change it."

"Don't be silly" you hush her and smiles gently. "I'll put up with him."

"Ready sweetheart?" Her father interrupts and the two of you walk out the room. You walk behind Mary as you hold her train of her dress so it does not get mucky.

Getting into the car, you hold the flowers too and hand a bunch to Mary as she gets outside the church. You are greeted by Tommy's aunt and ring bearer, seeing John too.

"Good luck" You Kiss Mary's cheek as you go to John.

He looks you up and down, his cheeks going a tinge of red but you were completely oblivious to it. John thought you loved beautiful but was too afraid to tell you.

"Look Y/N, I wanted to talk to you." John begins to speak, but the music cuts him off and you look up to him.

"Let's go" You hear someone usher the both of you.

You slowly move your hand to link into Johns arm. He looks down to you and you notice a smile on his face; making you share the same feeling.

"Ready?" He asks and you nod your head.

"I don't know why, but I'm so nervous."  You breathe out. "I hate having people watch me and I do not know how Mary is doing it."

"It's not like you are going to fall" He says as he faces straight on, the doors opening for you both to walk down.

"Why?" You ask, waiting for the music to start.

"Because I won't let you." He whispers as you take the first step; walking to the music.

You internally scream as walk with him, separating to opposing sides as you get to the pulp. As everyone stands still, watching Mary come down the aisle, you look feel eyes on you and as you look up, you connect with Johns eyes as he stares at you - before quickly looking away.

Mary gets to Tommy and the two of them exchange their vows; finally by law, becoming husband and wife. You and John keep giving each other frequent looks as the ceremony went on which made you feel all giddy inside. Cheers went off as the happy couple walked down the aisle.

Everyone went back to Tommy and Mary's new house; engaging in conversation as you all say around the table, waiting for the meal. You sat beside Mary's parents and John was beside Polly who was next to Tommy. All through the meal, you were thinking about John - which made you very anxious.

"Your parents would be really proud of you Y/N" Mary's father whispered in your ear, which made you tear up slightly - unable to talk you smiled at him, excusing yourself as you walked to get some fresh air.

Your parents died when you were 10, they were involved in a train accident but at the time you were with Mary's parents - as yours were in London due to celebrating their wedding anniversary.

"You okay?" You hear a voice, pulling you out of your cloud. You turn to see John putting his hands in his pocket as he came closer.

"Yeah" You breathe out as you try not to think about it. "Are you?"

"You don't seem fine" he ignores your question and leans against the pillar beside you. "What's bothering you?"

"Just thinking about my parents" you shrug.

"They pass away?" He asks and you nod your head in reply. "Mine too. Well, my mother did when I was 14 and my father moved far away, not seen him since."

"That's horrible" You frown and cannot help but feel sorry for him. "Do you miss him?"

"Not really, no" He honestly speaks and you both look at the kids running around the huge garden you were facing.

"Fair enough" You whisper and you bite down on your lip; it going quite for a while. "John, I want to apologise for being so horrid to you."

"You don't need to Y/N-" he begins and puts a hand on your upper arm but you interrupt him; turning to face him.

"I do, I feel really bad" You sigh. "And I am not just saying this because of Mary, or to keep the peace. I genuinely mean it and I am really sorry for calling you shitty names that I did not mean."

"Y/N" He smiles and you stop rambling. "Really, it is fine. I am sorry too, for calling a good woman such nasty things too."

"So I am forgiven?" You grin and he moves a little closer to you.

"You are, if I am" He winks and you bite down on your lip; acting as if you are thinking about it but he fake gasps - pushing you back playfully but you hands move to his arms to balance yourself from falling. "Oh, i see how it is"

He pulls you and keeps poking your sides as you lean against him, begging him to stop as you giggle uncontrollably.

"Stop" You breathe out, laughing even more and he slowly stops. Breathing heavily, you both laugh slowly; your hands on his chest.

"John" You breathe out, both of you realising how close you actually were.

"Yeah" He stutters and watches you intently.

"You are forgiven" You smile hugely at him, kissing his cheek as you walk away with a huge grin on your face.

John stands there, unsure what to do next as he watches you walk away. He wanted to kiss you, but he was still unsure how you would react. You both had forgiven each other and allowed the spark, to finally ignite with one another, what more better than at a wedding.

"Go me" You whisper as you sit down, Mary giving you a look as you come back grinning and sitting down; seeing John walk in a few seconds afterwards.

"Tell me everything later" She whispers in your ear as you giggle at her; swatting her away playfully.

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