John Shelby - 'Bodyguard'

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"Mr Shelby, meet my daughter Y/N." Your father introduced you to the handsome man in front of you.  "She is the woman you shall be protecting with your life."

"Hello" You mutter, blushing as the man looks intently at you; making you feel very awkward and shy.

"She will show you around" He nods his head and you look down to your feet; shovelling them as you play with your hands. "I want you to make sure, she does not get herself into any trouble. No partying. I want you to protect her with your life."

"Yes sir" John nods his head and you look down to see a gun on his waistline; attached to leather belt. Your father nodded his head; walking out of the room and leaving you two in a deadly silence.

"First of all, let's get one thing straight" John coughed as he put his hands in his pockets. "I am not here to babysit you, so don't push your luck and don't mess me about."

"Change of tune" You blurted out, trying not to show him how intimidating he came across. "But you don't have to worry. I don't want a Shelby coming after me."

"You know about my family and I?" John frowned and moved closer towards you.

"The questions is more like, who doesn't know about you guys." You shrug; walking past him and outside the front of the house.

(3 weeks later)

"Does he come with you everywhere?" Mary asked as you both smoked your cigarettes while drinking a vodka tonic at the local high up bar.

"Yes" You huff, getting more and more annoyed at the man who followed you everywhere for the past 3 weeks. "I literally cannot escape him."

"Then how the hell are you going to come to the dance tonight?" She gasps and you slap her arm quickly; making her yelp but you quickly hush her so John doesn't suspect anything.

"Will you be quiet" You snap in a whisper. Looking to John who looks completely oblivious and continuing to look around the room. "I am going to sneak out."

"He will kill you" She chuckles and you shrug your shoulders; breathing out the smoke slowly as you stare at John - admiring his features.

"Let him" You breathe out, biting down on your lip when you realise how attracted to the man you actually are. He stood there and glared at the people walking by; before turning to you and winking as he catches your eyes on him.

Blushing, you turn around to your friend and try not to get so caught up on the sudden flirting.

"He is really hot" Mary awed and you suddenly became quite protectively jealous.

"I need to go" You smile as you stand up, looking to John who is walking over. "I will see you soon"

"Very soon" She whispers in your ear as she hugs you; making you laugh but having to show no obviousness.

"Bye Mary" You wave, walking off with John trailing behind you. As you get to the car, John opens it for you - you lifted up your foot to put on the step but it slipped; making you fall to the ground.

Johns eyes widened in fear as quickly caught you before you smacked against the cold floor. Your back was up against him; making him unable to see you flushed face (luckily, you thought).

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