John Shelby - 'John!'

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"Michael what are you doing here?" John frowns as he covers yourself with a sheet as you slowly wake up.

"You need to come with me" He rushes his cousin to his to his feet. "You need to get her up."

"Y/N" You year John say as you wake up to see his worried face looking down to you.

"John?" You question as you sit up with the sheet around your top half as you look to the two men looking panicked.

"Sweetheart put on some clothes quickly and come with me." He begs and you start to internally panic.

"John what is happening" You pout, your eyes tearing up in fear.

"Please Y/N get changed." He kisses your forehead and then leaves you for a moment.

Standing up, you hurry and change into some clothes. Stumbling as you put each clothing item on; trying to keep composure as you walk out the door.

"John?" You Yelp as you cannot hear anything come from around the house.

Silence piercing your ears as you walk around each room upstairs; deciding to come to the downstairs rooms.

"John?" You panic as you rush to the kitchen, living room and dining room. Deciding the only possible explanation as to where they were was Johns office. "Where are you?"

Walking in you see Michael with two men behind him; holding each arm. Before you can look around, you are pushed to the door harshly. Letting out a gasp in pain as your back hit the wall, you are pulled to the ground.

"Get your fucking hands off her" You hear John yell with venom in his voice.

"John!?" You cry out as he is punched in the stomach.

"Just leave her alone" He yells to the men; grunting at the pain.

"No" A man snarls as he walks over to you; bending down to your height and ripping your chin to face him. "She will be very useful."

"I won't help you with anything" You spit in his face and his hand connects with your cheek.

"Fucking-" John begins but is interrupted by you being picked up to your feet.

"Stop!" You cry out as you are dragged by your hair and pushed to be in front of John.

Leaning forward, your hair falls down beside your face as you look up to John who is bleeding from his lip and nose.

"Fuck, I am so sorry" John whispered and you cried about to tell him that you loved him, but your head was pushed to look up to the man.

"Lucas, fucking leave her alone" John growled as he leans down to kiss your forehead.

Crying and not moving an inch due to the rope tied around your wrists; you stared up to the sealing and allowing the tears to fall down your face.

"Not until I get what I want" He says and you turn to look at John, scared out your mind.

"And what is it you want?!" He yells and Michael is pushed beside you.

"I want her" He says and John tries to break free once again.

"No way" He yells and they pull him back by four other men.

"That's not what you want" Michael snaps and Lucas laughs in return.

"Very clever Michael" He mocks, get means his words. "But you are wrong in some ways."

He walks towards you again, bending down beside you and then looking to John with a smirk plastered on his obnoxious face.

"John, I wonder what she feels like" He whispers in Johns ear; but making sure everyone heard his words. "I have seen the affect you have on her. But I wonder whether I could do it any better."

"You sick bastard" John reaches out in anger and punches Lucas in the face; making his lip bleed.

"Right." He spits out the blood on Johns face. "Bring her to the room."

"No!" You scream as a man carries you out the room. Kicking at him as he carries you out the room. "John!"

"Y/N!" He shouts and you hear another punch thrown - a grunt coming from his mouth.

"Bring him with us" Lucas smirks as he follows the man carrying you. "Let the younger one go."

You are thrown on the bed and pinned down; tied on the top by some rope that was wrapped behind your arm. Your legs were wrapped with the rope too.

"So John." Lucas smirked as he was thrown down beside the bed you were tied too - your own bed you shared with John. "It is nice for you to join us. Y/N, if you don't cooperate darling, I will shoot your husbands brains out."

"Please" You cry out as he lifts up your skirt. "Please don't do this."

"Don't beg Y/N, it's an unattractive quality." Lucas whispers in your ear and you look to see John, wanting to kill the man straddling you. A tear goes down his cheek as his nostrils flare. "Kiss me."

"No" you cry out as he moves on you. "Get off me, please."

"What did I say Y/N" He growls and points a gun to Johns head.

"Please" You cry even more as you look up to the celling.

Just as he leans down on top of you, you hear the door slam open and the sound of a gunshot goes off. All of a sudden, Lucas' body falls on top of you; all limp and heavy.

Breathing heavily and very disturbed, you start to panic.

"John" You cry out as he unties you; pushing the man off your body.

"Fuck sweetheart" He cries into your neck as you cry into his. "I am so sorry."

"Don't leave me" You heavily breathe; working yourself up. "John, are you hurt?"

"No sweetheart, I am fine" He breathes out a chuckle. "Are you hurt?"

"No" You bite down on your lip. "Thank you Tommy."

"You are welcome" He says; walking past the both of you as Arthur and him move Lucas' body.

John stares at your face as he brushes your hair back.

"I love you beautiful" He whispers and then kisses your forehead.

"I love you too John" You hiccuped. "Please lay with me?"

"Of course darling" You cuddle into his chest as the two of you lay down in each other's arm and falling asleep eventually; with John stroking your hair as you softly slept in his arms.

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