John Shelby - 'Empowered 2'

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"Women should not have to be treated like fucking scum on the street!" Polly screamed as she throw her bottle of gin towards the crowd; but still staying firmly in her tight grasp.

"Yes!" All the woman around her screamed.

"Polly has lost her fucking marbles" You laugh, shouting in Lizzie's ear so she can hear you.

"I think she sounds very revolutionary" Lizzie smirks; teasing Polly, yet in some way, we all thought deep down inside it was intact true.

"She's got a bigger crowd than Jessie Eden" You look over to the controlled group of woman in the far corner.

"I don't think Tommy will like the idea of everyone being drawn to Polly" Lizzie frowns as she folds her arms. "She's showing herself off too much."

"But the things she is saying make sense" You defend her. "Even if she has had a bottle of whiskey or gin." You smirk in amusement as you look to Lizzie - who chuckles back in agreement.

"I have lost count." Lizzie rolls her eyes; laughing still (alongside you.)

"Maybe we should take her home?" You laugh, then your something in the corner of your eye catches your attention.

Looking to Lizzie, who was preoccupied with Polly's ranting, you saw the police making their way towards the crowd from all corners. Shoving her slightly, you pointed towards the coppers and your eyes widened in fear.

"Come on, we need to get her away" You ushered and pushed through the crowds of people; getting towards Polly. "Pol, we need to go"

"Fuck off" Polly seethed, not completely with it at all.

"Polly the fucking coppers are here" You snap and tug at her hand, which was at a higher height - due to the stool she stood on.

"Shit really?" Polly sarcastically spoke. "Well I am not scared of nobody!"

"Polly, shut up." You roll your eyes, pulling her to the same height as you. "Let's fucking go. Lizzie, give me some help?"

"Fuck off!" Polly slurred as she looked to Lizzie and you. She put her hands out and stumbled towards you.

"We need to leave-" Lizzie ushered as she saw the police coming closer towards you all. "-like right now."

"I am not leaving-" Polly began but you dragged her towards you, walking towards the way home.

Throughout your time walking back, you began to find Polly still amusing as she continued to talk about equality for women. You agreed with everything she said, but you could not take her seriously at all as she stumbled along the path.

As you walked closer, you saw Linda and another woman looking to you three as you walked towards them. Linda had her arms folded as she looked to you.

"Why the serious face?" You ask and you turn to see Jane walking with some random man.

"You all embarrassed me." She huffs and you roll your eyes. "You are an embarrassment to yourselves."

"Cry me a fucking river" You muttered in annoyance as she turned to you.

"Don't talk to her like that" The other woman beside her snapped as she looked onwards to you.

"Who the fuck are you?" You snap and Polly glares to the woman, stranding still for the time being. Jane walked over and saw the tension between you two.

"I know who you are" The woman rolls her eyes with a smirk plastered on her face. "You are Johns wife."

"Well done" You spit back to her, sarcastically.

"You know that he and I had a thing once?" She smirked and folded her arms, just like Linda.

"Do I give a shit?" You snap and Lizzie steps forward.

"Fuck off Marge and leave her alone" Lizzie stands up for you and Marge shakes her head; continuing to annoy you more.

"You know, he was so lovely to me." She continues and your hands fist up in a tight ball. "He was so gentle; kind and so fucking good in bed."

"That's it" You snap, stepping forward to intentionally rip the girls hair out of her stupid head. But you were held back by the other girls who started to try and calm you down.

Everything seemed like a blur to you and the silence of anger filled your ears - with the faint sound of your heart beating fast in the background.

"You know, women like us should be working together for a fucking cause!" You screamed as the girls managed to pull you back - Polly sobering up very quickly. "But instead you insist of ripping us apart. Speak about John in such way again, I will fucking kill you and your family."

She looked to you absolutely terrified and you pushed away from Lizzie and Janes grasp before storming off towards the company building. Opening the door, you walked in alongside the other girls.

"You are an absolute crazy bitch" Jane laughed as she trailed behind.

"Thanks Jane" You laugh as you hold Polly up, as she was in a lot of pain.

"Polly, stop fucking leaning all your weight on me" Lizzie groans as Polly then pulls over and throws up everywhere. You looked towards the sick and then up again; seeing - Arthur, Tommy, Finn, Isaiah and John.

"That is fucking disgusting" Jane shook her head in disgust, not seeing her husband standing there.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Tommy asked as he looked to you all. Your heads adverted his gaze, hoping he would not ask anymore questions.

"I am going to sort Polly out" You spoke, ignoring them all as you took Polly in the upstairs room.

After sorting Polly out, she fell asleep like a baby. You covered her up and went to go back downstairs - but it was still quite quiet - with the sound of an occasional laugh.

"Hey" John smiled as he came closer to you, pulling you into his chest. His hands were on your waist as he pulled you towards his body. "Jane told us what happened."

"Everything?" You wince.

"Everything" he confirmed with a smirk on his face.

"Don't look so smug" You frown, huffing as he continues to look to you in amusement.

"Did you enjoy rallying?" He questions, holding in a smirk.

"God, you should have seen Polly." You giggle, thinking back to when she was on the step. "She was quite the recruiter."

"I don't think I want to know" John laughs as he looks towards you, placing a hand on your cheek. "I am sure it was just a slag off men show."

"We don't need a big protest to do such thing John" You wink. "I can assure you of that."

"Well, you Shelby girls are quite the match for us men." He raised an eyebrow and you nod your head in agreement.

"We keep you on your toes." You agree with a smirk; leaning closer to his ear. "But, we are all yours."

"Indeed you are gorgeous" He breathes out, smiling as you pull back and kiss his lips gently. You smile against his lips as he pulls away slowly.

"Next time, I want to see you all dominating instead of Polly" He winks playfully.

"You pervert" You giggle and smack his chest playfully.

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