Alfie Solomons - 'Gangster 2'

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You finish getting ready for your date tonight with Alfie. Standing up, you go to the mirror on the top of the stairs and twirl around at the sight of your outfit - very satirised with the choice you made. Putting your earrings in, you sort out the curls in your hair.

"You've got glamour, Y/N." Jimmy chuckles with honesty as he looks to you from the bottom of the stairs. "You're like an East End starlet."

You laugh at Jimmy as you stand at the top of the stairs about to walk down as you mother comes beside your brother, wearing an apron and drying her hands with a tea towel.

"East End harlot is more like it." She scoffs and you frown at her. "

"They're trousers, Mum." Jimmy defended you as you fold your arms in anger. "She doesn't
look like a harlot."

"What she's wearing doesn't matter." She huffs and points a finger to you. "When people see her with Alfie Solomons, they'll think she's a tart."

"Why would you say that?!" You snap as you rush down the stairs; going to the front of the door and getting your coat.

"He's a gangster, Y/N!" She screams as you try to block her out in anger. "The Solomon gang are gangsters!"

She walks away from you in anger as you don't listen to her. You roll your eyes at the women and curls your hands up in a ball - knuckles going white.

"I think he's sweet!" You yell as she walks in the kitchen. "And I'm going to kiss him, do you hear me?!"

Meanwhile, Alfie is hearing the entire argument through the thin walls of the house; laughing to himself at the thought of you defending him and his ways of living. You slam the door shut as you walk closer to Alfie who is leaning against his car.

"Hello" You smile, biting down on your lip as he looks to you.

"You look lovely" He blushes and you blush right back to him; biting your lip as you look down.

"So do you" You smile to him; he puts a hand on your arm as he opens the car door for you; letting you get in before shutting it and coming round the other side to get in.

"Where are we going?" You ask him as he starts the engine.

"You'll see" He winks as he drives off and ends up taking you to a club on the outskirts of East London.

As you pull up, he gets out and helps you out; holding your hand as you step out and then holding onto his arm as you walk into the bar. He greets many people as you walk into the bar; everyone holding very high respect over Alfie.

"Everyone here knows you" You speak, holding onto his arm tighter as you walk through the crowd.

"Of course." He smiles. "That's because this is my club."

"You mean it's your local club?" You ask, looking up to him in confusion.

"No, I mean I own the club" He smiles down to you, walking past the bar.

"I've been by here ten times; I never knew it was yours." You gasp; standing still as Alfie asks the bartender for some drinks - of course knowing him too.

"You can get away with an awful lot in life if you don't shout about it." He replies; then pointing the room in front of you. "We will have our drinks delivered there."

You nod your head and look around the place; feeling completely vulnerable as the men look at you as if you were a piece of meat.

"Those men look frightening." You stutter as you look towards the two very heavily built men that huddled together drinking a beer.

"No. They're just old boxers. I let them drink for free if they behave." He smiles, reassuring you. "Proper East End mugs."

You giggle at him as he intimidates them by trying to broaden his shoulders. Smacking his chest lightly, you walk together to the singing area where the live band was playing; people sat on tables and talking about random stuff.

Walking past people, you double take as you see a singer that you have loved since you can remember.

"Oh my" You gasp as you turn to your right, his arm still wrapped his arm around you. "Alfie, that was Joan Taylor."

"I know" He smiles. "We had Barbara Windsor in here last night."

"Really?" You gasp as he keeps looking at you in admiration.

"That's my formula. Mix celebrities with a villain or two. The punters love it. It's really good for business." He chuckles and you giggle back to him. Putting a hand to your lower back, he leads you to the free table in the middle of the room.

Bring out a chair, he sits you down in it and tucks you under; him sitting in the one beside you. Drinks were placed on your table and you both thanked the man who gave them too you as he left you both alone.

"Alfie have you got a moment?" A man asks from beside you, to Alfie. Alfie groans and flares to the man.

"No." He snaps. "No I haven't."

You smiled slightly and looked down to the ground so you did not embarrass yourself in front of them both.

"Please Alf." He begs and you look up to Alfie, feeling composed now. "It is important." With a long sigh, Alfie looks up to you; his eyes going soft as he looks into yours.

"Y/N, would you mind if I excused myself for just one moment?" He asked; making you grin at him. "I just need to take care of some business."

"No, of course not" You softly spoke and he kissed your cheek as he stood up.

"I will be back very soon" He assures you and you smile at the gentleman as he walks away from you. Smacking the man he is walking with on the back of the head; annoyed that he has been taken away from you.

You giggled at Alfie as he walked away, sipping on the drink as you waited for him to come back to you.

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