Sweet Dreams

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Arabella was immediately taken to the emergency room.  Luckily Danny was able to follow and go in with her.

Arabella was a diabetic, Danny instantly blamed himself.  When Arabella's blood sugar gets too low or high an alert comes up on her tablet.  Before leaving the house Sofia found it and gave it to him.  The tablet was dead.  He should have known better.  Jessica always had that thing charged.  She was always on top of everything.

Danny had to wait in the waiting room while they worked on stabilizing Arabella.  While he was there he prayed.  He cried and he prayed for God to help his little girl.  He also prayed Jessica would wake up.  It was clear he needed her desperately.

"Mr. Huston."

"Yes?" Danny was quickly pulled from his thoughts. "Is my baby okay?"

"She's okay.  Arbella's blood sugar was too low and that's what caused the seizure."

"I knew it.  The stupid tablet was dead, this is all my fault.  My wife is so much better with this stuff than I am.  My poor daughter has to suffer because of my stupid mistake.  My whole family has been suffering because of every stupid mistake I've ever made!"

"Mr. Huston, I'm sorry about whatever is going on in your life.. Would you like to go back with your daughter?"

"Of course.  I'm so sorry,"

"It's okay.  I hope things start looking better for your family."

"Thanks.  Me too.."


Danny walked back to see his little girl.  Arabella laid in bed with a worried look on her face.  The moment she saw Danny she started crying.

"Daddy!  What happened to me?  Do I have Corona?  Why am I here?"

"No Bella Boo, you don't have Corona."

"What happened?"

Danny sighs. "You had a seizure."

"That's bad.  Daddy, why am I always sick?"

Hearing those words come out of his daughter's voice broke his heart. "God knows you're tough.  He knows you can handle it."

"I'm just a little girl.  I don't know if I'm as strong as he thinks I am."

"You're sounding more and more like a big girl.  And you're stronger than you think you are."

"I don't know.." Arabella looks down.

"Baby, I wish I could take this all away.  I'm so so sorry you've had to go through so much at such a young age."

"It's okay, daddy.. it's not your fault."

Danny sighed and took Arabella in his arms.  Six years ago he broke Jessica's heart.  That was when Jessica gave birth early.  Since then Arabella has had to fight just to stay alive.  Danny regretted ever laying a hand on Trisha and destroying their marriage.  Although he did not regret having Coltan.  It was just a huge tangled up mess.


After hearing from the doctor and speaking with Arabella Danny decided to call Sofia.

"Daddy, is Bella alive?" Sofia asked answering the phone in a panic.

"Yes baby, she's alive.  She's doing okay.  They're helping her."

"Is she awake?"

"She's sleeping now but she was up and talking just a little while ago."

"I should have plugged her tablet in this morning.  I'm so sorry, dad!"

"Sof no, don't apologize.  It was my fault.  Don't do that to yourself."

"I just feel terrible.  She could have died!"

"Don't think like that.  She's okay.  That's all that matter, Sof."

"I just want everything to be okay.  Why does bad stuff keep happening to us?

"I don't know.  I feel so hopeless.  I wish there were something I could do.."

There was then a pause.


"I miss mom."

"So do I."

"Arabella needs her, dad."

"I know she does.  We all do."


An hour later.

"Daddy, can you take me home?"

"You and I have to stay here tonight, Boo."

"Whyyy?" Arabella whines.

"They just want to keep you overnight for observation."

"Am I sick?"

"No, you're better now.  They just want to make sure you stay that way."

"You won't leave me?"

"Nope!  Grandma brought me some pajamas and they told me they'd bring in a little bed for me to sleep on."

"I want you to sleep with me!" Arabella says with her sad little eyes.

"I thought you'd want your space.  Of course I'll sleep in bed with you."

"Thank you, daddy.." Arabella lowers her head.

"Bella Boo."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

Danny smiles and kisses her cheek.


A few hours later.

Arabella laid cuddled up in her father's arms.

"The channels they have here suck!" Arabella makes a face.

"Hey don't say that word."

"It's true though!" Arabella then gasps loudly. "THERE'S MOMMY!!"

They were showing Sweet Dreams.

"That is mommy." Danny smiled.

"Look how beautiful.  Daddy, mommy sings so good!"

Danny chuckled.  He didn't have the heart to tell her it wasn't Jessica's voice.

"She sure does, baby."

"I miss mommy.."

"So do I."

"Maybe we can sneak over to her room."

Danny smiles and nods his head. "We can't do that, silly."

"Yes we can."


"Just unhook all this stuff from me."

"No, no.  Let's just lay down and watch her."

Arabella yawned and cuddled back into her father.

Soon she was out.  Danny watched Jessica acting her heart out.

The news had gotten out that Jessica was back in the hospital fighting for her life, so they were having a movie marathon in her honor.

Danny didn't sleep at all.  He just watched movie after movie.  He missed the sound of his wife's voice, and he couldn't get himself to turn it off or shut his eyes.


Around 4:00 am. Danny was pulled from his trance.  It was Arabella.  She was having another seizure.

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