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Jessica was exhausted and just wanted to get home and go to bed.  Of course that was easier said than done. Before going home Jessica went over to Danny's apartment to pick the kids up.

"Mommy!  Mommy!" Arabella ran to her and jumped up and down.

"Dada look!  It Jessica!" Coltan points.

Jessica chuckles, "Hey Coltan."

"When you gonna be on the TB again?"

"I'm not sure!" She laughs.

"He thinks it's pretty cool that you were on tv. He doesn't believe me when I tell him that I work on tv too." Danny chuckles.

"Heh, that's funny.."

"MY mommy's famous and so am I!" Arabella says in a sassy way making her parents laugh.

"She's a mess!  Jess, her asthma was acting up today so I put her on the nebulizer for a bit."

"Oh okay.  Bella Boo, you don't feel well, honey?" Jessica gets down to her level.

"My chest feels yucky." Arabella pouts.

"Oh I'm so sorry, baby!" Jessica says rubbing her chest.

Arabella smiles and hugs her mother tightly.

"Mom, can I stay with dad?" Jackson asks.

"You don't wanna come home with me?"

"I wanna stay with dad.. Please!"

"Well if he's okay with it than that's fine."

"Yeah that's fine with me, bud!" Danny says patting his son's back.

"Momma, you need to tell daddy to come home!  I no like this no more!" Arabella crosses her arms and suddenly gets teary eyes.

Jessica didn't really know how to respond.
Arabella buried her face in her mother as she cried.

"Don't cry, baby, you'll make yourself go into a cough attack."

Danny watched and didn't say a word.

"I want my daddy to live in My home!"

"Okay.. Let's go, kids.  We need to get you all fed and ready for bed.."

Jessica picked Arabella up and Danny helped her take everything out to the car.
He packed up and put the twins in their car seats which did not make them very happy.

"Dada NOOO!" Joshua screamed.

"We stay with yewww!" Joseph cries.

"It's okay. You're gonna go home with mommy, doesn't that sound like fun?!" Danny says with excitement in his voice trying to cheer the twins up a bit.

"We want you!"

"I'll see you soon, guys."

"Pleeeeeeassssse!" They both sob uncontrollably.

"Jess, I can keep them."

Jessica sighs, "Why doesn't anyone wanna stay with mommy?" She pouts.

"I wanna stay with you, mommy!" Sofia smiles.

"Thank you, baby." Jessica smiles and holds her chin in her hands.

"You can keep them.."

"Alright, let's get you guys out." Danny took them out of their car seats and the twins laid on his shoulder trying to catch their breathes.

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