I lost my world

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"Jessie baby.. I love you more than anything in this word.

I know I've screwed up before, but I am so blessed that you have accepted me back into our little, now big family! You're gonna be okay, angel, okay? I'm sorry that this has to happen, and that you don't even know about it.

I hate that this means we'll never have another baby, but at least I'll have you.. I hope you're not upset with my decision, but I can't lose you and I Won't lose you! This was the only choice I had, baby.

I'll see you when you get out. I love you so so much, pretty lady." Danny kisses Jessica's lips.

He stands there as they wheel her off, and he breaks down in tears all alone.

"This is all my fault! The bleeding wouldn't have gotten out of control if I wouldn't have been so stupid, and just told a doctor!

I can't believe we'll never have anymore children."


"Danny! I've been looking for you! I asked them how she was doing, but no ones telling me anything! What's wrong? Why are you crying?! Is she okay?" Sarah grabs him in a panic.

"They counts stop the bleeding, so--"

"What?! Is she alive?!"

"Yeah, she- they just took her in for surgery."

"What surgery?"

"She needs to have a hysterectomy."

"A hysterectomy?!" Sarah's eyes widen.

"Yeah, Sarah, I know it's stupid because we have five kids, but.. I can't believe we'll never have anymore kids..

As long as I have her, then it's okay. I need her, and I can't lose her."

"Danny, you won't lose her.

And it's not stupid that you're upset about not being able to have anymore kids. It's you and Jess! That's what you guys do! This year you had three babies!"

Danny cries and runs his hand through his hair.

"Oh Danny, I'm so sorry!" Sarah hugs him.

Danny lays on her shoulder and cries.

"I just want her to be okay. I know how these surgeries go, and I know what could happen to her, Sarah.. She could bleed ou--"

"Don't say that!" Sarah raises her voice.

"I just.. Ah Fuck!"

"I know!

.. I know."

Sarah hugs him again, and rubs his back.

"I need to call her mom, she needs to know."

"Yeah. Do you need me to do anything?"

"Can you stay with me?"

"Danny, of course! I won't leave you!"

"Thank you so much."

"No problem. I was there for Jessica when you were the one in the hospital, and I'll be here for you too."

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