She's not you

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"Daddy?  Where my daddy!" Coltan's eyes widen as he looks around for his father.

"He with sissy!" Arabella says.

Coltan had tears in his eyes and his breathing started to change.

"It's okay, sweetie.. He'll be back." Jessica tells him.

Coltan started crying loudly.  He was terrified.  If Danny was out of his sight he started thinking something horrible happen to him.

Jessica goes upstairs and knocks on the door.
"Hey Dan, he's crying for you."

"Oh shoot!  Thanks.
.. So.. are we okay?" Danny asks Sofia.

Sofia nods her head and smiles softly.

"Good!  I love you, princess."

"I love you more, daddy."

Danny kisses her cheek and he walks downstairs.

"You okay, princess?" Jessica asks once Danny is out of the room.

"Mhm." Sofia nods softly.

"Momma?  Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure, baby."

"Come sit."


Jessica sat down beside her on her bed and Sofia took a deep breath.

"Momma.. I know.."

"You know?"

"Yeah.. I know what you did.."

"What are you talking about, honey?"

"With Sam.. I heard you telling Sarah."

Jessica gasped and covered her mouth.  She felt so terrible that her daughter heard her talking about what happened between her and Sam.

"Oh my gosh, Sofia!  I am so so sorry!"

"It's okay.. I'm not mad at you."

"Honey.. I.. I don't know why I did it.. Well I do know.. My marriage was in a difficult situation and I needed to escape that.  It was so wrong and I shouldn't have done it."

"You and daddy were in a tough spot.. just like you were when he cheated on you with that other lady."

"Oh my gosh.. you're right, Sof.  God, I feel like such a horrible person!"

"Everyone makes mistakes.  It doesn't make it right but.."

"No it does not, and I am so so sorry.  I want you to learn from this.  Don't be in a marriage where cheating is okay.  It's Never okay!  Finding out about this little boy and feeling so alone and so betrayed.. I had Sam there and he is one of my best friends.  I'm not going to run away with him, but.. I don't know I just needed to-"

"You needed to get back at dad."

"Yes.  Yeah and that's a horrible excuse, I know."

"A little bit, yeah."

"I'm sorry you have to know about all this stupid grown up stuff."

"It's okay, I'm very mature for my age."

"Yes you are." Jessica chuckles.

"Mom.. just talk to them and.. break it off with one of them.  It's not fair to Sam, and it's not fair to daddy."

"I know, honey.  Thank you."


Night came and all the kids were in bed.

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