What's happening

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Danny walks in with the fresh bed sheets, and sees his wife passed out on the ground.

"Jessica!" He runs to her side, and pulls her upper body into his arms.

"Jessica!  Jessie, wake up, baby!

Oh my God!


A nurse runs in and presses the button to call for help.

Danny lifts Jessica onto the bed, and the nurse asks what happened.

"She--she was bleeding really bad, and she bled through her sheets, so she asked me to get some while she went to the bathroom.. a-and when I cam back, she was out..

I should have done something.  I should have told her to tell the doctor!  She's never bled this much after birth!  Dammit, this is alll my fault!"

The staff of doctors and nurses rush in.

"Mr. Huston, Please wait outside."

"Wha--Is she gonna be okay?" Danny asks with tears in his eyes.

"We're going to see what's wrong, and do whatever we can, sir.  We just need some space."

Danny pushes the babies out to the hall and waits for someone to come out and talk to him about Jessica.

The babies both start crying, but Danny is just staring into space.

He thought of all the bad that could happen.

What if something happens to her? There's no way I can live without her.

Dear God, please let her be okay. Please let my Jessie be okay.

Danny looks down at the boys and tears fall down his face.

"Your mommy's gonna be okay."

Sarah was on her to visit them and started to worry when she saw Danny in the hallway with the boys.

"Danny, what's up?"

"It's Jessica.  She was bleeding really heavy today, and we ignored it.. A-and I went.. I went to grab something for her and when I came back she ha. Had.."

"What?" Sarah asks with fear.

"She had passed out.."

Sarah takes a sharp breath in and asks, "What are they doing?  Is she gonna be okay?"

"I don't know.  I don't know anything!  Sarah, I'm so scared.  Why didn't I say anything?!  Dammit Sarah, what if I lose her!"

"Danny stop that!  You're not gonna lose her!  These are good doctors and they're gonna make sure she's okay."

Danny looks down at the boys, and Sarah pats his back.

He looks at her and hugs her tight, taking her by surprise.

"She'll be okay, Danny." She rubs his back.

"Mr. Huston?" They hear the doctors voice.

"Yes?!  Is she okay?"

"Mr. Huston, your wife is hemorrhaging.  We--"

"Hemorrhaging?!  Well you have to help her!  Doctor, I can't lose my wife!"

"We've started her on pitocin to get her uterus to contract."


"The contractions will stop the bleeding.  This is very effective and the safest option with the fewest side effects."

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