Everything's gonna be okay

245 18 6

October 31st.

"Mommy, can I help you get Bella dressed?"

"Sure, sweetie."

Jessica slipped Arabella's pink onesie on and let Sofia clip it shut.

"Good girl!  Now, can you hand me her little tutu, please?"

"Sure, mommy!"

Sofia skips to grab the baby's tutu, and brings it back to her mom.

"Momma, can I ask you something?"

"Sure baby, what is it?"

"Is Arabella okay?  My friend Brady at school, well his mom had a baby a couple weeks after you, and she's already starting to walk... Arabella is just now wanting to crawl..." Jessica looks down and sees Sofia staring up at her with a sad look in her eyes.

"Bella isn't like other babies.  She will more than likely always be a little behind other children her age.  I had her very early, and she's doing great considering all that she's been through.

We just have to take baby steps with her.  She'll eventually walk, but it's just different for her... She's special." Jessica smiles at the baby.

Sofia looks at her mom and Jessica says, "All of my children are special!"

"Me too?"

"Yes, you too!  Sofia, you are the most beautiful and kind hearted little soul I have ever met... and you're only eight years old!  You really have helped me out a lot since the baby's come home, and I appreciate all your help."

A big smile appeared on Sofia's face.

"You're just so grown, and so so beautiful." Jessica smiles and cups her chin in her hand.

Sofia hugs her tightly and rests her eyelids.

"I love you, mommy."

"I love you more, baby girl." Jessica rubs her back.

Arabella starts fussing, and they both look down at her wiggling around on the bed.

"We love you too, Bella Boo!" Sofia lays on the bed next to her.

She kisses her cheek and rests her hand on her stomach.

Arabella turns to her and baby talks.

"Are you trying to talk to me, pretty girl?"

Seeing Sofia talk to Arabella made Jessica's heart happy.

The cutest little smile appeared on Arabella's face, making Sofia chuckle.

"You have such a pretty smile, beautiful girl." She lightly caressed her cheek.

"How did I end up with the two most amazing and beautiful girls in the world?" Jessica smiles down at them.

"Well that's what happens when You're the most amazing and beautiful woman in the world!" Sofia smiles at Jessica.

"Sof!  Awe, sweetie, you're gonna make me cry!" Jessica touches her chest.

"Don't cry now!  It's Halloween!"

"Okay!" Jessica laughs.

Sofia sits up, and carefully sits Arabella up as well.

"She needs her tiara, mommy!"

"I have it here. Would you like to do the honors?" Jessica smiles.

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