Telling stories

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"Daddy, I know what you should do!  Since mommy is making you cookies, you should make her some of your homemade Italian food!  Remember how much she ate your food when she was pregnant!"

"Heh, yeah.. you think I should?"

"Yeah!  She's been telling me how much she misses you!  IIII Mean your cooking!" Sofia smiles.

"Oh really?  Well what do you think I should make?  We can pack it up and bring it over to the house."

"Yeah she'd love that!  Umm.. how about you make your delicious five cheese pasta!"

"One of my best!" Danny says with a smile.


"Wanna help me, little chef?"



Jackson sat in the living room with the kids while Sofia and Danny were in the kitchen.

"Jax, why mommy and daddy no live together no more?  They mad?" Arabella asks her brother.

"They aren't together anymore, Bella.."

"But why?"

"They just aren't."

"But.. that make me sad.. Bella sad!" Arabella says with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, don't be sad!" Jackson reaches over and sits her on his lap.

"Don't be sad, pretty girl.  It's not so bad.. we get to have two of everything now!  Two houses, two rooms!  Two.. two Christmases.." Jackson got quiet as he realized how different their Christmas would be this year.

"But daddy loves mommy and she loves him.. When we go back home, they get back together, right?"

"I don't think so, Bella."

Arabella's lip quivers.

"Don't be sad."

She doesn't respond, instead she wraps her arms around him and lays on his shoulder.


Once the food was ready Danny packed everything up and took the kids to Jessica's.

"Mommy, we're home!  Open up!" Sofia says.

Jessica hurries to open the door with a smile on her face.

"My babies!"

"Hi momma!

Daddy, come in!" Sofia pulls him by the shirt.

"Oh!  Uh.. Hi, Danny.. Whatcha got there?"

"I made everyone some of my famous five cheese pasta."

"Yum!  Well thank you, Danny!"

"You can stay for dinner, daddy!"

"Huh?" Jessica turns to Sofia.

"He made it special just for you, momma!  You have to invite him to stay!"

"O-kayy.. Come on in, Danny."

"Thanks.  I'll go set everything up."

"Alright.  Excuse the mess." Jessica says before turning to Sofia with her eyes narrowed.

"What?" Sofia smiles.

"What are you up to?"




Their dinner consisted of laughs and old stories.  It wasn't awkward at all, it was actually nice.

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