Those crazy kids

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The next day Jessica followed him to set just like she used to. It was nice just being able to hang out and do nothing, but Jessica did miss her babies terribly.  She called them every hour just to say hello, and to see what was going on.
Sofia and Jackson of course missed her, but were doing well.  Arabella cries for her, and only would be happy if Albert was holding her.  Sofia was okay too, but for now Arabella was all about Albert.  The twins were doing well and didn't have a problem with not nursing, unlike Arabella who wanted so badly to be nursed.

Jessica knew the director that was working on this movie, so she sat and watched Danny film a few scenes before going off to shop for Danny and the kids.

"My baby is on fire today! You're such a turn on, cutie!" Jessica smiles.

"Oh am I? Good to know!" Danny wiggles his butt.

Jessica laughs and says, "I think I'm gonna go shopping until you get off work."

"Okay." He smiles and kisses her lips.

Hey! When will you be able to get into the house?"

"Next week!"

"Awesome! The kids are so excited!"

"So am I! My schedule shouldn't be as crazy, so I'll be able to help you out a lot."

"That's great!"

"Yeah. Well I have to go. Have fun shopping."

"I will. See you later, handsome." Jessica pecks his lips before leaving.


That evening when Jessica got to the hotel Danny was dressed and ready to go out.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Jessica smiles.

"Cause I'm taking my beautiful bride on a date!"


"Mhm! Get ready because we're gonna be fancy tonight!"

"Heh! Alright, give me some time to get ready."


"Alright, I'm ready!"

"Man, my girl is gorgeous!"

"Dannyyy!" She smiles cutely.

"You are! I can't wait to make hot drunk love to you, baby!"

"Oh goodness!" Jessica giggles.


"Thank you for dinner, it was lovely, Daniel." Jessica says holding Danny's hand as they walk down the sidewalk.

"No problem, beautiful. I've missed this.. I've missed us. Our life has been crazy, and it's hard to find time for us."

"I know. I miss this too.. We have to have a set date night!  Like every month or twice a month we go out without the kids. We can just talk and catch up without a baby on my breasts, or someone climbing all over one of us!" Jessica chuckles.

"I'd like that." Danny smiles and kisses her lips.

Danny took Jessica to a bar where they got a little tipsy to say the least.

"Okay Daniel, I dare you to.. Heh! To go up to that man and ask him to dance!" Jessica laughs.

"Are you crazy? He's gonna kick my ass!"

"I dared ya!"

"You! You're gonna get it, little missy!"

Jessica smiles and takes a sip of her drink.

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