My plus one

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A month has gone by and Jessica is busier than ever.
Not only is she overwhelmed with all of her mommy duties, but she's having to perform two shows six days a week.  The Tony's are coming up as well but Jessica is having second thought about attending.

"I know it's stupid, Sarah.. But it's just so strange.. Danny and both hate these award shows but.. we always had so much fun just being together at these things."

"Jessica, I love you but you have got to get over this!"

"It's not easy, Sarah! He's my husband!"

"WAS you husband!"

"Whatever! I'm not even gonna go.. I lost my plus one.. God I hate this!
I wish I could go back to the day Danny and I went to.. to the fair." Jessica says in tears.

"That was the last time we were really happy.. we had so much fun.  It was like recreating our first date.."

"Every single detail?" Sarah asks because she knows what happened on their first date."

"Yes!  Oh God.. I love him.  I know my family is disappointed in me.. Danny's family isn't even talking to him!  I just wish we could be together."

"Well then be together!  Jesus Jess, you're so back and forth about this!"

"Because I know it's wrong to be with him!  No one but me sees the good in that man.  Maybe I'm stupid but.. Sarah, think of all the good he's done.. He's made me so happy.."

"I know he has, Jess.  I've seen how well he has treated you and I know you were once happy with him.. but I do think you two need this time apart.  Maybe this isn't a permanent thing.. Maybe all you guys need is a little break."

"I don't know.."


A day before the Tony's.

"Momma, tomorrow are the awards, aren't you going to pick out a dress?" Sofia asks.

"I don't think I'm going, baby."

"What?  But you have to go!  Momma, you'll win!"

"Heh, well I don't know about that, honey."

"Please go!  You'll have so much fun seeing all your friends!"

Jessica smiles softly as she gets an idea.
"Alright I'll go."

"You will?!" Sofia's face lights up.

"Mhm!  But only if you come with me!"


"Will you be my plus one?"


"Yes, silly!"

"I'd love to momma!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!" Sofia squeezes her mother tightly.

"You're so welcome, sweetheart!  It would make me so happy if you came with me."

"Oh my gosh!  I'm going to the Tony's!  AH!  and I don't have a thing to wear!"

Jessica laughs.
"Well then.. I guess I have to make some phone calls so you and I can pick out a dress as soon as possible!"


Jessica giggles at her daughters excitement.


The next morning.

"Alright, I have eggs and bacon for mommy's little minions!"

"Food!  Food!  Food!" Arabella bangs her fists on the table and bounces up and down.

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