The way you look tonight

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The rest of the evening Sofia stayed right by Jessica's side. Danny helped out with the baby's and played with Jackson for a while before getting him ready for bed.

Jessica was feeding Arabella and Sofia sat beside them softly caressing her little sister's leg.

"You're such a good mommy." She says laying her head on Jessica.

"Awe sweetie! That's very sweet of you. It's my most favorite thing in the world to be, baby girl."

Sofia smiles and Jessica kisses her forehead.

"You have the most beautiful smile in the world, mommy. I don't like to see you sad."

"Awe baby.
It's just difficult sometimes to get into a schedule that works for everyone. It can take a while but.. Eventually we'll get the hang of it.
I'm sorry if it's not always fun around here."

"It's okay. I mean, sometimes it's a little loud but.. It's okay." She smiles.

Jessica laughs and wraps her arm around her.

"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you more, mommy."


Jessica went in to Jackson's room to tuck him in, then she and Danny both went into Sofia's room.

Sofia was cold towards Danny, she was short with her answers and tried to only speak to Jessica.

"I love you, Sofia." Danny says.

"Love you too.." She looks down and fiddles with her thumbs.

Danny kisses her cheek and she slightly turns away.

"Sof." Jessica says softly.

"It's okay..
Goodnight, Princess." Danny smiles, then gets up and walks out.

Jessica sighs and kisses Sofia.

"Love you, pretty girl. Have sweet dreams."


Once all the kids were in bed, Danny sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.

Jessica walked out of the bathroom and saw him.


She heard him sniffle so she climbed on the bed and rubbed his back.

"You okay?"

"Those things Sofia said.. That I would just make you unhappy again because I always do.. Jess, I don't want my daughter to think I'm always gonna break her mother's heart. I don't want you thinking of me as the bad guy."

"Sweetie, she's just upset. She'll come around..
It's happened before."

"I know it's happened before! That's the point! I'm her father.. I'm supposed to be her hero.. A person she can go to when she needs help, or when she's sad, angry, or happy.. Daddy's are supposed to be their baby girl's first Prince Charming.. Jessie, I've screwed up so much."

"I know you have."

Danny looks at her and she smiles.

"But we love you. I always say.. Forget about the past. It's the past, and we don't need to revisit it.. Only happy times from here on out, okay?"

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