A good man

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Today is Mother's Day.  The kids are of course with Jessica, and Danny took Coltan to see Trisha's mother.

"Oh my little Coltan!" She hugged him and got tears in her eyes.

She looked up to Danny and said, "Last Mother's Day was the last day I saw Trisha really acting like herself.  After that she just.. I should have said something.  I should have done more!"

"No, don't do that to yourself.  Sometimes in situations like this.. You have no control in the outcome.. I know it's hard but you can't blame yourself."

She nods and looks down.

A while later Leanna, Coltan's aunt came over and sat beside Danny.

"How are you doing, honey?"

"I'm doing well.."

"Yeah?  How's Jessica?"

"Uh.. she's doing well."

"Danny look, I've known you for almost a year and we talk a lot.. you love that girl."

"I do."

"Then WHY don't you do something about it?!"

"Leanna, I can't.. Jessica has to move on.  She would get so much crap if she went back to me again."

"And who the hell are they to say anything?  Only you and Jessica matter in this situation.  You're miserable without her.  You obviously love this woman more than anything, Danny.  If her family or whoever it is you're talking about knew how much you cared for her, then they wouldn't say one damn thing!"

Danny took a sip of his beer and looked down.

"You promise me you'll talk to her?"

"Eventually I will."

"Danny, don't waist any more time.  If you love her.. Then Love her!"


It's now summer and the kids are out of school.  Today is Coltan's birthday and Danny is throwing him his very first party ever.

Before the part starts Danny calls Jessica.


"Hey I just wanted to make sure you were staying for the party."

"Oh Danny I don't know.. I don't want things to be awkward."

"It won't be awkward!  Besides, Coltan adores you and he would be heartbroken if you weren't there."

"Alright, I'll stay."

"Great!  I'll see you later."

"Okay.  Bye.." Jessica hung up and took a deep breath.  She was nervous but a little excited to be there with him and the kids.


"Hi guys!  Welcome to my house!" Coltan says in a sweet voice.

"Hi honey!" Jessica giggles.

"Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you, Jessie!" Coltan hugs her leg.

"You're welcome!  You're a big boy now, aren't you?"

"Yeah cause I'm four!" He says holding his little fingers up.


"Heh!  Come on in, there's food and drinks so make yourself at home." Danny smiles.

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