Mama's boys

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The next day Jessica was sitting with the twins during tummy time.  Danny was just finishing up a game of Chutes and Ladders with Sofia and Jackson, and Arabella was crawling around Jessica.

"Come on, boys!  Roll over!  Mommy's waiting!"

Joseph giggles and baby talks to his mother.

"Oh are you talking to me?  You're such a cutie!  He kicks his feet and and breathes fast in and out.

"You're so silly!" Jessica laughs.

"Joshua, why are you so serious?" Jessica asks because he was just staring at her with a blank face.

Jackson runs over and plops down on Jessica's back.

"Hey!  What are you doing?" She laughs.

"I'm laying on you."

"I get that. *Chuckles* Who won?"

"I did!"

"No, Jackson!  I DID!" Sofia says.

"No you didn't!"

"Jackson, yes I did!  Didn't I win, daddy?" Sofia looks up to her father.

"I'm afraid she did beat us, son."


"Heh!  Jax, it's okay, there will be another games." Jessica reaches back and pats his leg.

Jackson looks over Jessica's shoulder and smiles at his brothers.

"Hi guys!"

Joseph starts cracking up laughing and Joshua still doesn't crack.

"These two have such different personalities!" Jessica says.

"I've noticed.  Joe thinks everything's funny, and Josh is just so over everyone."

"Yeah!" Jessica laughs.

Arabella crawls to Jessica and Jackson, and starts to climb on top of them.

"Why is everyone piling up on me?!" Jessica says.

Jackson laughs and Arabella baby talks and hits his back.

"Look at how strong her legs are getting!  Bella boo, come to daddy, baby!" Danny holds his arms out.

Arabella turns to him and babbles before sucking on her hand.
She bounces a bit, then turns and playfully hits Jackson with her slobbery hands.

"Ew!  Mommy, she got yuckiness on me!"

"A little baby drool never hurt nobody."

Danny chuckles and walks over to pick her up.

"Come sit with daddy, baby!"

"Daa-daa." Arabella sings and softly taps his cheeks.

"Beell-La!" Danny sings back to her.

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