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"Joseph Alexander, come with me." Jessica looks down to her son.

"Where we going, mommy?  I don't want a spanking."

"I'm not going to spank you.  We're going to get the cleaning supplies and you're going to clean the walls."

Joseph sniffles and looks down.

"Here, take this rag and and this spray.  Let's go."

Joseph stands the with a pout.
"I don't know where you did it so you have to lead the way."

With his head down Joseph leads his mother to his drawing.

"Oh wow, its all over the place!"

"I didn't mean it.."

"Well what were you trying to do?"

"Mommy, I love you!" Joseph cries and holds his arms out to his mother.

"I love you too.  Now clean, please."

Joseph pouts and turns to the wall.  He sniffles and tries his best to spray the wall with cleaner.

"Mama, it's too hard!" He whines.

"Well what do you say?"

"Help please.." He looks at her with tears in his eyes.

Jessica takes the cleaner and sprays the wall for him.

"Now clean it with your towel."

Joseph places his towel on the wall and uses the lightest hand to clean away the mess.

"It not coming off!" He sobs.

"You heave to scrub a little harder."

"I can't!  I'm just a little boy!  Mommy, please help me!"

Finally, Jessica got down and helped him clean the wall.

"Oh shoot!  Danny!  It's not coming off!" She calls for him.

Danny walks over and sighs.

"Oh no!" Joseph grabs his cheeks.

"Well you did a good job at trying, bud!" Danny says.

"Mommy's mad!" He cries.

"She's disappointed.  But not just with you, Joe."

"I take my nap now, please?" He says rubbing his eyes.

"Go ahead, Joe." Jessica says.

Joseph then turns to her and gives her a tight hug.
"I love you so much, mommy!"

"I love you too, baby.  We won't do this again now, will we?"

"No!  Never!"

"Thank you.  Now go lay down for your nap." She kisses his cheek and wipes his tears.

Jessica then looks up to Danny and lifts her arm for him to help her stand.
She then hands him the cleaner and towel before walking back for Joshua.


"Me.." Joshua says in a low voice.

"Come here." Jessica gets down to his level and holds his hand.

"Joshua , we do Not hit."

Joshua looks down and doesn't speak.

"You walk over to daddy and tell him that you are sorry."

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