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"Jessica Lange, put your seatbelt on!"

"The boys don't like the seatbelt!" She looks at Danny with a pout.

"Well I don't care what they like!  Remember what happened when I didn't wear one?"

Jessica looks at him and twists her lips in a knot.

"Just put the damn thing on."



The first place they took him to was to Main Event to eat some pizza and play games.

"Mommy, can we bowl?"

"Sure baby!"


"You're the birthday boy, so you get whatever you want today!"

"Thank you, momma!"

"You're welcome, my sweet boy!" Jessica smiles and messes with his hair.


Jessica sat with Arabella on her lap, laying on her belly.

"She just loves it there, doesn't she?" Danny smiles.

"Mhm." Jessica smiles and nods her head.

Suddenly Jessica gets a strong contraction.

She closes her eyes and stays quiet, but Arabella feels her stomach tighten up, and she sits up and looks at her belly.

Jessica can't help but chuckle.

Arabella frowns and takes her hands, then presses hard on Jessica's stomach, like she's trying to fix it.

"Ahh Ow! Bella, let's not do that!" She grabs her hands.

Danny chuckles and says, "Why is she mad?"

"I don't know!" Jessica smiles and tries to hide her pain.

Danny rubs the top of Jessica's stomach, then looks at her and asks, "Are you having a contraction?"

"Just a tiny one!" She says in a painful voice.

"You've been getting a lot, maybe we should go home."

"No! No, I haven't gotten that many!"

"Jessica please don't lie to me."

"I'm not! I promise I'll tell you if I think this is it."

".. I don't believe you."

"Danny! I promise!" She smiles.

"Now hold her because I have to pee." She hands Arabella to Danny.


"Well, let me sit on your bladder and see if you don't pee fifty times in an hour!" Jessica gets irritated.

"Sorry." He shuts up.

Arabella looks at her and quivers her bottom lip.

"It's okay, baby. Mommy will be right back." Jessica tells her in a cute voice.


"Bella mommy's gotta pee pee!" Danny stands up and bounces her.

"Thanks for announcing it to the whole room, Daniel."

"Just go before you tinkle on yourself!"

Jessica laughs and walks away.

When she comes back Jackson asks her to play one of his turns.

"Mommy can't do that, Jax!" Sofia tells him.

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