A baby

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"Alright, I have diaper bags, snacks, extra clothes for the babies, And You! I have some toys, sippy cups, sunscreen, three little sun hats, sunglasses, I have swim diapers.." Jessica takes a deep breath and asks, "Anything else?"

"Yes, a bottle of vodka."

Jessica chuckles. "You have the other stuff packed in the van already?"

"Yes, we're ready to go!"

"Okay let's go, kids."

"Mom we can't leave yet."

"Why Sof?"

"Joshua's pooped."

"Joshy, mommy just changed you!"

"Well he's done it again!" Sofia says walking over holding him as far from her body as possible.

"I yuck!" Joshua giggles.

"Yeah you're yuck! Get over here, smelly boy." Jessica grabs him and kisses his chubby cheek.


Jessica and Danny took the kids to a water park not too far from their house.
As expected it was a little hectic.  But that was just their lives now, and they loved it.

"Joe don't eat the sand!" Jessica shouts just as Danny scoops in up and dusts his tongue off.

Jessica laughs. "Honey, if you're hungry then tell mommy."

"No food!"

"You sure?"


Jessica chuckles.

"Momma, can we go swimming?"

"Yes, daddy's gonna take you and your brother. Please be careful."

"We will!"

"Are you sure you're okay with the three of them?"

"Yeah we're fine.  Just watch the kids, please."



"What?" Danny turns around sounding a bit annoyed.

"Keep an eye on them!"

"I will, babe!" He laughs.

Jessica sighs and relaxes back onto the chair.  Jessica was always paranoid when her kids were around water.
Even though they both knew how to swim, it still scared her.

"Ma!  Play da sand?" Arabella asks kicking her legs and reaching for the sand.

"You wanna play now?"


"Okay." Jessica gets her out of the stroller and sits her with the twins.

"You three play nice.. and no eating the sand!"

Joshua looks at her and giggles.


"What Princess?"


"What!" Jessica laughs.

Arabella giggles and Jessica rubs her back.

"Bella Boo, can you say, Mama?"

"Mhm! *Nods* Mama."

"Good girl!  Can you say Mommy?"

"Yesh!  Mommy!"

"Well okay!" Jessica laughs.

"I've never heard you say that before!"

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