I hope

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After Jessica's contraction calms down, she looks to the side and sees Arabella smiling at her in her bouncy chair.

"Hi baby!  What are you smiling at, princess?  Mommy's okay!  You're brothers are just acting up a little."  She smiles and rubs her stomach.

Arabella giggles and bounces up and down.

"You're so precious , momma!" Jessica says in a cute voice.

Meanwhile Danny's upstairs waking Jackson up.

"Hey bud! Wake up, it's you're birthday!" Danny whacks him with a stuffed animal.

"Hey!" He laughs.

"Happy Birthday, Jax!"

"It's my birthday!!  I'm six!"

"I know!  You're such a big guy now!"


"Let's go see mommy!"

"Yeah!" Jackson jumps out of bed and runs downstairs.

Sofia walks out of her room, rubbing her eyes, and follows them to the kitchen.

When Danny gets down, he looks at the baby and says, "Has she been there?!"

"Yep!" Jessica laughs.

"Bella Boo, I didn't see you!" He walks over and picks her up.

Jessica giggles, then smiles at Jackson and says, "Happy Birthday, baby boy!"

"Thank you, mommy!" He runs and hugs her.

"I can't believe my baby boy is six years old today!"

"I'm SO big!"

"Yes you are!" She laughs.

"Man.. six years ago today, I was as big as a house, and at home contracting all by myself..." She chuckles and looks down, "Well.. not too much has changed.. but I'm the size of two houses now!"

"Awe stop it, you are not!"

"Thanks." She gives Danny a small smile.

They all sit down to eat and Danny says, "Everyone say thank you to mommy for making this yummy breakfast."

"Thank you, mommy!" The kids say.

"You're welcome, my angels!" Jessica smiles at them.

"Her feet all swollen, her belly all big and the boys doing tricks in her tummy, but she still got up and cooked.. round of applause for mommy!" Danny claps.

The kids clap and Jessica laughs.

"Thank you, guys!"

"Mommy look!  Bella's clapping too!" Sofia points.

"She is!  You're so smart, Bella!"

Arabella scrunches her nose and lets out the cutest little giggle.

"You're such a cutie pie!" Jessica says.

During their breakfast, Jessica clenches her fork in her hand, and closes her eyes with her head down.

"You okay, honey?"

"Hm?  Yeah, just a cramp."

"You sure?"

"I'm fine, Danny!" She says in a funny voice with a smile.

"Okay.. So Jax, what do you wanna do today?"

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