I wreck everything!

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It's been one month since I've last spoken with Sarah.  That's the longest we've gone since high school without speaking.
I miss her so much, and I wish I could just pick up the phone and call her, but I can't. 
I'm shocked that she hasn't called to see how the kids are.. It's just not like her. 
It's been getting to me a lot more than usual, and hurts so bad.  We were so close!
Maybe I should just call her.. But then again, she doesn't want anything to do with me.. Maybe I shouldn't.  Ugh, I don't know what to do!  I just miss my sister...


"Good morning, beautiful." Jessica walks down and Danny kisses her cheek.
"Morning." She says walking passed him and grabbing a banana.
"Someone's grumpy!  What's wrong?"
"Nothing!" She snaps.
"Alright..." Shut up, Danny!
"You haven't gotten the kids up for school yet?!" She gives him an evil look.
"What the hell, Danny!" She walks quickly towards the stairs.
"Baby, it's Saturday."
"Oh..." She looks down.
Danny walks up to her and massages her arms.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong!"
"Jessica, I've know you for fifteen years, something's bothering you.  What is it?"
She continues looking down and nods her head, "It's nothing."
"Jessica, please tell me.  I'm worried about you."
She looks up at him with tears in her eyes.
She takes a deep breath and says, "There's something I've been hiding from you.."
"Well , about a month ago when Sarah and I went out to lunch.. I told her about how we were back together, and.."
"What, baby?"
"She was mad at me for taking you back."
"That's none of her business."
"I know that!  I told her, and I said that I was happy, and I asked why she couldn't just be happy for me.  She told me that she couldn't, so I told her that if she couldn't accept you, then we can't be friends... And we haven't spoken since."
"Are you serious?"
Jessica nods her head.
"Sweetie, I'm sorry.  I know that hurt you, and I am so so sorry." He hugs her.
"It did!  Danny, she's my best friend!" She cries into his chest.
"I know, sweetie." He rubs her back.
"My life is just so messed up!  All I do is cry now.. I try to be happy in front of you and the kids, but I just can't take it, Danny!  I wreck everything!"
"Sweetie, no you don't!"
"Yes I do!  You wanted to be with someone else because I drove you away!"
"Don't say that!  That was something I did because I have problems, you have ALWAYS been an amazing wife!  So don't think like that."
She lays the side of her face on his chest and holds him tight.
"My own baby didn't even want to stay inside of me!  She couldn't wait to get out."
"Jessica stop it!" He pulls her away and looks into her eyes.
"Don't say that!  Nothing's wrong with you, okay?"
"Then why did I lose my best friend?" She jumps to the next thing.
"Baby.. I don't know.  I'm sorry that this is all because of me.  She really doesn't like me, does she?"
"No." She nods.
Baby, you need to clear your mind.  Get all of this nonsense of it being your fault out of your head, because it's not."
Danny pulls her back in for a long hug, making her feel safe.


Danny drops Jessica off at the hospital and tells her he will be back after he runs some errands.
He did have errands to run, but had one other little thing to do.

Danny knocks on the door.

It opens and the woman gasps.
"Danny!  What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk to you.  Can I come in?"
"Sure." She steps aside.

"Would you like something to drink?"
"I'll just take a water, thanks."

They sit down at the table, and she sits the water down.
.. Danny.  What do you want?"
"Sarah... Jessica told me what you told her... And.. Well honestly, I think it's a really shitty thing for you to do.  You don't like me and I know that.  But please don't take it out on her.  She has had a year from hell, and what she needs now is a friend.
You've been her best friend since high school, and to go from talking everyday, to not talking for an entire month, hurts her."
Sarah just looks at him and Danny asks, "What do I have to do to show you I've changed?  What do I have to say to get things back to normal between you and Jessica?"
Sarah takes a deep breath and says, "I guess I was just upset that she was going to be taken away from me."
"Jessica is my best friend and she always has been.  When we were living together... I felt... Well..." Danny looks at her and Sarah struggles to get it out.
"You felt what?"
"I felt different about her!"
"What kind of different?"
"Like... I had feelings for her different."
"Feelings for Jessica?!" His eyes widen.
"But.. But Jessica isn't lesbian."
"I know that!  But she was someone I care deeply for.. I don't want to explain everything, but... Well when she told me that you two were back together... The small amount of hope I had was gone."
"So... You like Jessica."
"Well yeah!  But it was more that I just wanted to take care of her, rather than in a sexual way.  Here she was four months pregnant, she has two kids, she has no one to love her.. I felt bad, and my love for her grew.  I mean this in the least creepy way possible, by the way.  I just wanted to take care of her because no one else was."
"But you do know that I will take care of her, don't you?"
"... I didn't at the time to be honest."
"Well I will.  I love that girl more than anything in this world, and I just want her to be happy.  She needs her best friend, Sarah.  She's been so sad, and she misses you."
"I miss her too." Her eyes tear up.
"Can we put this past us and move on?"
".. Sure."
"We're good?" He holds his hand out.
"We're good." She chuckles and shakes his hand as she wipes a tear.


If you don't read my story, "Unexpected Love", you should! :)
That's it!  Thanks for reading! 😆

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