Do you still love daddy?

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Thanksgiving came and they did their fake married act once again.

"So are you two finding out the gender, or are you gonna wait and be surprised?"
"We're finding out, I don't think I could wait." She chuckles.
"Well yay, I can't wait!  And you look great!  You barely even have a tummy!"
"Oh, well thank you!"

A week passes and Jessica drops the kids off at Danny's for the weekend.

"Bye mommy!"
"Bye babies, you two be good, okay?"
"We will!"
Jessica stands up and she tells Danny, "Call me if you need anything."
"I will.  What are you doing?  Any plans this weekend?"
"No, probably just relax and enjoy some time off before filming next week.  I've been so exhausted lately."
"Well go ahead and get some rest.. but if you want to join us tomorrow, you can.  I'm taking the kids to the zoo."
"Well thanks, but I don't want to take away your time with the kids."
"You wont be.. Come on Jess, it'll be just like old times."
"Well I'll see... Sarah wants to hang out too, so I'll have to see if she's planned everything yet."
"Oh.. Sarah..." He rolls his eyes.
"Nothing.. She's a very nice person.."
"No, somethings wrong, what is it?"
"Nothing.  I just think she plays a big part in you not wanting to be together."
"Hah!  No, that was you." She smiles.
"Yeah, I know that.  But Jess, she gets to live with you, I just want one day!"
"I'll see, Danny.  Now go have a good weekend with your kids and stop worrying about me."
"I always worry about you."
"Well don't!" She says before she leaves.


The next day Jessica woke up after sleeping in till noon, she walked downstairs with messy hair then and her pyjamas on, and threw herself on the couch.

"Hey sleepy head!  You're alive!" Sarah laughs.
"I know.. I can't believe how late I slept!"
"Well enjoy it while you can!  Did you at least sleep straight through the morning sickness part of the day?"
"Hah!  I wish!  No, I got it when I got up.  This baby is wearing me out!" She puts her hand on her stomach.
"I know.  Were you this sick and tired with the first two?"
"With Sofia, yes, but not as bad.  Jackson's pregnancy wasn't bad at all.  I gained a little more weight with him, but I had energy, I was never sick, my skin was clear, my hair was thick.  I was pretty." She giggled.
"That's why I think this baby's a girl.  I feel the total opposite.  My face is all broken out, my hair is dry, and I just feel yucky.  You know they say when you carry a girl, she steals her mothers beauty away.  I think that's what's happening here." She laughs.
"Awe!  Well I think you look beautiful!"
"Haha!  Well thanks."
"Sure!  So, are you gonna meet up with Danny and the kids?"
"No.. I don't want to be in the way."
"Be in the way?  You're their mother!"
"Yeah I know, but it's Danny's time."
"Yeah I guess you're right.  What ever happened to that date you guys were supposed to go on?" Sarah rolls her eyes.
"He hasn't asked me..." She looks down.
"Do you want to go out with him?"
Jessica shrugs her shoulders.
"Do you?"
"... Yes..." She says as though she's ashamed of her answer.
".. I love him so much, Sarah.  I wish.. oh God, I wish.. that I could just drive over to that zoo and run over and jump on him.  Kiss him and tell him that it's all okay."
"Why don't you?"
"It's not that easy.. I have to let him see what it's like without me.  What divorce feels like... I need him to know what he's missing and what he ruined.  Then if he really learns his lesson, then we'll see what happens."
"Well that's smart... You're a smart lady, Lange."
"Yep!" She smiles.
Sarah laughs and says, "Let's get out of this place.  Let's do something wild!"
"Wild?  How wild can we get, I'm pregnant!" She laughs.
"Well, let's go eat!"
"Whoo!  Wild woman over here!" Jessica laughs.


When it was time for Jessica to pick the kids up from Danny's, he asked, "Hey!  Why didn't you come?"
"Sarah and I went out for Mexican food, then got our nails done.  I had a kid free weekend for the first time in a long time, Daniel."
"Oh, well that's good."
"Yeah.  Hey, I have a doctors appointment on the 8th, and hopefully we'll be able to find the gender out." She smiles.
"Oh awesome!  I don't film that day, so we can make a fun day of it with the kids.  Would that be okay?"
"... Sure."
"Great!  Can't wait!" He smiles.
"Yeah, well we better get going.. Sofia, Jackson, are you ready?"
"I want to stay with daddy!" Jackson says.
"Mommy, can't you stay here tonight?  We can sleep together in the same house again, it'll be fun!" Sofia looks at her with sad eyes.
"Sof, we have to go."
"Awe man!" She pouts.
"Hey don't pout!  I'll see you in a few days!" Danny gets down to their level.
"But I just want you and mommy to like each other."
"Sweetie, I love your mother!  Don't ever think that I don't!" He tells Sofia.

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