I'm happy...

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Two weeks later...

Jessica took Danny's wedding ring off and placed it on Arabella's tiny arm.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"I was just taking a picture, so that me can compare later."
Jessica smiled softly at her as she held her little hand.
Danny stands behind her and runs his hand on her back.

"I can't believe how small your arm is.
And look at your tiny hand! It's the cutest little hand I've ever seen." Her smile gets bigger.

Arabella is now six weeks old, and weighs a little over three pounds.
She's started gaining a little more weight from nursing, so that's good..  I just hope she can continue this good streak.  I'm lucky for every little ounce she gains, but I just wish I could wake up and the doctor tells me she's six pounds, or even five!  I just want her to be home and out of this place.
I'm so grateful, don't get me wrong.  I just wish my baby didn't have to be here.  Of course no parent wants that for their child, but I'm so sick of seeing her like this.  So frail and really weak at times.
I dream of the day we will take her home, and live like a normal family. 
The kids haven't met their sister yet, and that kills me.  They've seen pictures and videos, but nothing compares to the first time they'll lay their eyes on her.  The first touch.. First kiss.. The first time they hold her.  I can't wait.
Danny has been amazing through all of this... The big dumbass. 
I pray that I did made the right decision... I know in my heart that I did.. but I can't keep what people say out of my head...

One week before.

Sarah took Jessica out for lunch, to get away and to talk.

"I've missed you.  How is everything?  I wanted to visit, but I felt that I should give you guys some space,"
"Yeah.. Thanks.  She's doing better.  We had a few scares, but right now she's okay."
"Well good!  She's a fighter!"
"Definitely." Jessica smiles.

Sarah could tell Jessica wanted to tell her something, but she seemed hesitant.

"Jess, how are you?  Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.  Everything's back to normal.. I'm good."
"Are you?"
"Why do I feel like you're not telling me everything?"
Jessica looks at her and Sarah sighs, "I've known you since high school.. Tell me what's wrong?  Because I know there's something."
Jessica takes a deep breath and says, "Well... Danny and I are back together."
"I know what you're thinking, and it's okay!  We talked.. A lot, and I know it's crazy, but it's my life and my decision.  I love him, Sarah... And he loves me."
"Does he?" She says with a bit of sass.
"Yes!" Jessica says getting a little irritated.
"Jessica, if you love someone, you don't go out and get another woman pregnant!  What are you gonna do?  Let him move in and help raise that demon spawn he created?!"
"She's not pregnant, Sarah!"
"She lied.  She lied so that Danny would leave me for her.  She tried to trap him."
"Oh my God.."
"Yeah. She came by the house, and told us. A lot of shit went on, but I'm not gonna talk about that right now."
"Wow.. So Jessica, you're taking this man back that got you pregnant, cheated on you, treated you horrible for the past few years, made you deliver early.. Someone that brought this woman into your life. Jessica, I can guarantee you that it will happen again. That woman will not back off."
"Sarah you don't know that! And he didn't make me deliver early! I was stressed! Preterm labor happens to many many woman, even some who are having a perfectly healthy pregnancy.. It just happens sometimes."
Sarah just looks at her and Jessica says, "I know what you're thinking, Sarah... It's not like that."
"How do you know?"
"I just do.  There's nothing you or anyone else can do or say to make me change my mind. We got back together about three weeks ago, and we're happy.  He's helping me so much with this.  With my health, and taking care of the kids... Helping me understand why Arabella is going through this."
"I just don't see why you forgave him."
Jessica looks at her and Sarah says, "I honestly think it's ridiculous, Jessica."
"Well it isn't your life, Sarah.  It's mine, and if that's what I chose, then it's no ones business but my own!"
"I just can't sit here and watch you get hurt again."
"It's not gonna happen, Sarah... I trust him.  He's sorry, and I believe it when he tells me.  In some weird and tragic way.. Arabella saved our marriage.  Without her, I don't think we would have gotten back together. She is what made him realize the huge mistake he made.
And when I was sick, I saw the fear in his eyes... He was scared.. He was scared of losing me.."
Sarah stays quiet for a while, before Jessica says, "I'm happy... Why can't you be happy for me?"
"... I'm sorry, Jessica, but I can't be happy for you."
Jessica gets a sad look in her eyes and she says, "Well you don't have to worry about it.  If you can't accept that I am a grown woman that can make her own decisions, then... Then we can't be friends."
"Oh God Jess, all of this for Danny?"
"He's my husband."
Sarah scoffs and rolls her eyes.
"I didn't think you could be this way, Sarah." Jessica stands up and looks down at her.
Sarah stayed looking down, and Jessica said, "After all the hell I've been through, I thought you'd understand. I know you hate him, but he's my husband, Sarah."
Sarah chuckles and nods her head.
"Wow... Alright.
Goodbye, Sarah." She says before walking off.


I will work on more tomorrow! I am so so busy, but I honestly am trying to update as much as I can.
How do you guys like this story? I know it's a lot of back and forth, but whatever! 💁🏼😘

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