Will daddy come back?

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Jessica took deep breaths trying to calm herself down.  The babies got even more upset once Jessica and Danny started arguing.

"It's okay, babies.. Mommy's here, you're okay!"

The sobs of her children made her head pound.  Jessica was so overwhelmed, she didn't even know how she'd manage getting up the stairs.

Her baby sling was in her room, and it wasn't like Arabella was able to walk by herself.

"Oh gosh.. If only mommy had one more arm!
.. Sofia!"

"Yes mommy?" Sofia runs out of Jackson's room.

"Can you help me, please baby?"


Sofia runs down the stairs and picks Arabella up.

"Thank you, sweetheart.. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She nods her head but tries to hide her face.

"Sof, don't be upset.  Please don't cry."

"I'm fine."

Jessica sighs and Sofia walks upstairs.

Jessica follows with the twins.
When they get to Jessica's room, Sofia puts Arabella on the bed and runs out of the room.

"Sofia wait!" Jessica calls, but she doesn't answer.

Jessica looks at the babies is torn.  She obviously has to calm them down because they've been crying forever, but she knew Sofia was upset and she wanted to comfort her as soon as possible.

"Alright you three, your sissy needs me, so please stop crying. 
Please, please, please!"

Jessica put Arabella in the baby sling and walked back and forth with all of them trying to calm them down.

Once everyone had finally worn themselves out and fallen asleep, Jessica carefully put them in their cribs.

She took a deep breath and quietly tip toed out.

..Sof?" Jessica walks into her room but doesn't see her.

Her heart starts to pound and she runs out of the room.

"Jackson, where's--" Jessica stops when she walks into Jackson's room and sees Sofia reading a book to him.

They both had tear stained cheeks as Sofia read in a soothing voice.
Jackson was cuddled up to her and Sofia softly caressed his head.

Jessica started crying silently as she watched them.

She wiped her tears and put a smile on her face before she went to sit beside them.

"The end!" Sofia kisses Jackson's forehead.

"You have a pretty great big sister, Jackson."

He nods his head and tightens his hold around her.

"I'm sorry things have been a bit crazy.. It will get better soon, I promise!"

"Will daddy come back?" Jackson asks.

"He'll come back, baby."

"How do you know?"

"Because daddy loves you and he wouldn't stay gone long.
When you get older.. Sometimes people just need little breaks from each other.. It's not a bad thing.  It's okay."

"I never want a break from you, mommy!" 

"That's very sweet, Jackson.  I never want a break from you either.  Or your brothers and sisters."

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