A friend's

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After Sofia left the room Jessica and Danny were left alone.

"Jess, I'm so sorry." Danny looked at her with tears pouring down his face.

"Danny... I hate it but... She's right, Danny."


"You hurt me and you say you're sorry.. then we're happy.. but it ever lasts, Daniel."


"Maybe you and I just aren't meant to be."

"Jessica no!" Danny got down on his knees and held her hands in his.

"I swear to you with everything I have in me that I love you and our kids, and I am so SO sorry. Baby if I didn't have you then I'd die. Please Jessie! I can't live without you! Please please believe me when I tell you that I'm sorry!"

Jessica cries and looks and him in front of her begging her not to leave him.

"Danny, I don't know if I can anymore."

"Jessica." Danny breaks down and cries even harder.

"I don't deserve you, I know I don't! But I love you! You're my everything! Please Please don't leave me! I'll die without you, Jess. Without your beautiful heart.. your warm hugs and your sweet kisses.. Without the love you've given me since high school.. Jessica Lange, please forgive me!"

Jessica shuts her eyes tight and turn her head to the side.

"I know you love me.. we can get through this.. We can get through anything, baby."

"Danny, you need to leave."

"No. I won't leave you. I'm not walking away. I have to fight!"

"Danny.. I don't know how much more fighting I can do."


"I want to forgive you.. but the way Sofia is right now, I can't. She has a point, Danny."

Danny lays his head in Jessica's lap and cries loudly. He didn't care. He couldn't let Jessica go.

"You need to go so I can talk to Jackson."

"No.. I'll tell him. I don't want you to have to do my dirty work. Just please please let me stay."

"Get off of me, Danny."

Danny sniffles and backs away from her.

Jessica stands up and straightens out her clothes before she leaves the room.

"Jackson, come here, please. Daddy and I have to talk to you."

Danny wiped his face and tried to compose himself.

Jackson went into the room and sat on the bed next to Jessica.

"I coming in too, mommy!" Arabella runs in.

Jessica put her on her lap and Arabella looks over to Danny.

"Oh no! Why my daddy cwyin'?! Daddy no cwy! No cwy!"

Danny smiles softly and touches her hand.

"What's going on?"

"Jackson.. I have to tell you something that I did, and.. it's not going to be easy, but I have to do it in order to make things better."

"Okay?" Jackson looked at him with confusion.

Danny sighs, "A few years ago.. I hurt mommy really really badly.."

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