Battle scars

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Jessica sat in the room in tears. She knows Danny's right but loving him feels so natural. 

She sat down beside Arabella and held her hand. 

"Your daddy's right, princess.. I guess I just use men as a distraction and that's not okay. All I need to focus on is you and your brothers and sister.."

After a while Danny walked back in.

"I'm gonna head home.. I'll be back in the morning."

"Okay." Jessica said not turning his way.

"Do you need anything?"


"Okay. Call me if anything changes."

"I will."

"... Jess-"

"No Danny, it's fine. You're right. Just go, we'll be fine."

Danny sighs and walks over to kiss Arabella goodnight.
He then places his hand on Jessica's shoulder and kisses the top of her head.

He walks off and Jessica turns to him. Danny turns back and speaks in his deep raspy voice. "Goodnight."


He shuts the door and Jessica breaks down once again.
There was a mixture of emotions going on. Months of this separation, the stress of her daughter's surgery and just everything else in her life was catching up to her.


Two days later.

It was Halloween and also the day Arabella was able to go home.

"Is daddy coming to pick us up?"


"He's bringing my costume?"

"Yes." Jessica chuckles.

"Good cause I gotta show nurse lady my cute costume!"

Jessica smiles as she scoops her up and holds her in her lap.

"Mommy, uh.. why you hugging me?"

"I can't hug you?" Jessica laughs.

"You can, I just asking why."

"Because I love you so so much and I'm so proud of how well you did."

"Yeah I such a big girl! It was scary, mommy! I never want to do surgery again!"

"Don't you worry about that, baby girl!"

Just then Danny lightly knocks on the door before letting himself in.

"Daddy!" Arabella shouts.

"We can't get too excited, remember?" Jessica says softly patting her back.

"Yeah I member that fat nurse saying that to me but I think it's just dumb! She was a dumb person, mommy!" Arabella makes a face and nods.

Jessica and Danny can't help but laugh a little.

"Bella! That's not nice! It's for your own good, baby."

"Okay!" Arabella sighs.

"Can I change into my costume?"

"Sure. I have it right here!" Danny answers.

"Great! I gonna be so coooool!"

"Yes you will, baby!" Jessica giggles.

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