A split second

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"Mommy, can I see the marks on your tummy?"

"Well not now, baby.  I'm wearing a dress and people are around!" Jessica laughs.

"Okay.. take me to gramma's bed!" Arabella holds her arms up to her mother.

Jessica picks her up and walks over to Dorothy.

"Mom, she's sleepy.  Is it okay if I put her down in your bed?"

"Sure, sweetheart!  Are you sleepy, baby girl?" She baby talks to Arabella.

"Gramma two Thanksgiving's is too much for my little bitty body!"

"Awe!  You poor little baby!"

"Yes now let me sleep!  Let's go, mommy!" Arabella pats her mother's back.

"Okay, sweet girl.  Let's go!" Jessica chuckles.

Jessica laid her down and Arabella insisted she stayed with her until she fell asleep.

"Mommy, let me see your belly marks!"

"You really want to see them?"


"Okay." Jessica lifted up her dress and Arabella turned to her side and placed her hand on Jessica's stomach.


"I told you!" Jessica laughs.

"You got lots of them."

"Yep!  That was because of all the babies that were in there!"

"Ohh!  I make this little one?" Arabella pokes her.

"I'm sure yours is the smallest one on there!"

"Yeah cause I little!  The boys make this big one!" Arabella traces her little finger on a longer stretch mark."

"Yep.. Most of these are from the boys!" Jessica laughs.

"Yeah.. member when I lay on your belly?"

"I do remember that!  You called it Your belly!"

"Well it is mine!  I slept in there when I was teeny tiny!"

"That's true!"

"Mhm.  Mommy, what's this?  Who gave you a moon?" Jessica pokes her hip tattoo.

"That's a tattoo.  No one gave me that.  When I was younger I went and got it put on.. I did that on purpose!" She laughs.

"When I get bigger I gonna get one too so I be just like you!"

"Awe!  You're so cute!"

"Yeah I know." Arabella says making Jessica laugh.


Christmas Eve.

"Momma, I want you to come with us to grandma's!"

"Awe Joshy!  You're gonna have fun, baby.  I'll see you later tonight."

"But you gonna be home all by you self!"

"I'll be okay, honey."

"You pwomise?"

"I promise, baby boy!  Then tomorrow I'll be with you All day long!"


Jessica smiles and gives him a big kiss.

Danny came by to pick the kids up.  The twins and Arabella cried leaving their mother.

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