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That night Jessica laid in Danny's arms.

Thinking he was gone made her realize how much he meant to her.

"I never want to let you go.."

"I love you.. I'm sorry if I'm a lazy ass sometimes, I just-"

"No!  Don't apologize, you're incredible!  I've just got a lot on my plate.. These past five months.. Well year and a half, but mostly the past five months has just been extremely overwhelming. You do plenty for our family, and we love you."

"I love you guys too.
.. I'm lucky to be alive... I just can't stop thinking of all those other people."

"I know. It's horrible."

"I saw them, Jessica.. I SAW them!"

Jessica readjusts her cheek on Danny's chest and he continues.

"They didn't deserve to die..
There were family's on that plane. Moms, dads, childr-" Danny pauses and breathes heavy.

"What if that was our family.."

"Don't say that!"

"It's just really messed with my head, Jessica.
It's so horrible.. How can God allow something so horrible to happen."

"I don't know, Danny. God does some things that leave you questioning.. But at the end of the day, he's God and he has a plan for everyone."

"I just don't understand it."

"I know.
It's hard to try to understand why tragic things happen.. You just can't lose your faith."


The next morning Danny was on the phone.

"Well I'm gonna need the next available flight, we start production tomorrow morning."

Jessica's heart started racing.


"Yes, that'll do. Thank you!"


"Just a second, baby." He holds his hand up. 

"I don't want you to fly."

Danny looks at Jessica and finishes up his phone call.

After he hangs up, he sits his phone down and holds her hand.

"Jessie, I know you're scared, but I don't have a choice."

"Danny, what if something happens?" She says as she starts to cry.

"I'll be okay. Nothing's gonna happen."

Jessica's eyes fill with tears and she nods her head.

"I'm scared, Danny."

"Come here, Princess." He pulls her gently and gives her a hug.

Jessica holds him tight and buries her face in his chest.

"I don't want you to be worried.  You already have enough to worry about."

"I just don't want to loose you."

"Jessie, look at all of the things that we've been through.. Everything that's happened.  Babe, I hate to say it, because t I think you're stuck with me."

"Don't say it like that!" She chuckles and lightly taps him.

Danny smiles down at her and wipes her cheeks.

"Let's wipe this pretty little face.  It's too cute for tears."

Jessica smiles, then starts crying again.

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