We've waited so long

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"How did I go the whole first trimester and not know I was pregnant? Especially with twins! Or triplets, I don't know!"
"How did I get you pregnant with triplets? I'm sorry, Jessica, but I'm really impressed with myself!"
"You're crazy." She laughs at him and nods her head.
"But really!  I mean.. Damn Daniel!"
She laughs, then looks down.
Danny can tell something's wrong.
"What's wrong?  Aren't you happy?"
"I mean, yeah.. I'm terrified though."
"I know, but I'm here for you.  I know this is scary, and I know the timing isn't right, but we have two little babies coming... They're definitely a surprise, but I just think this is gonna be so much fun.  I just don't want you stressing over anything."
"Well that's what I was worried about, I worry about Arabella every single moment of my life.  I worry about the kids, and I worry about you."
"Don't worry about anything.. It's all gonna turn out great.  I know it is, Jessica."
Jessica hugs him and lays her head on his chest.
"Twins, Jessica.. twins!  How is this happening?" Danny smiles.
She giggles and says, "I know!  I've never had two at one time, I'm scared!"
"Oh you'll be great, baby."
"Thanks.  Oh my gosh.. Danny, in there are two babies inside of me, right now!"
"That's so crazy!"
"I know!" She laughs.
"We just keep repeating ourselves over and over again, but this is such a shock!
"Yes! ... TWO!" Her eyes widen.
"In there!" He points to her stomach.
"I know!!" She yells.


Later that day.

"When should we tell the kids?" Jessica asks.
"Let's tell them right now!"
"You think?"
"Yeah!  Why not?"
"Yeah, okay."

They go upstairs and Tell both of them to sit on the bed beside them.
Jackson sat by Jessica and touched her stomach, "Momma, do you got a baby in there?"
"Shh!  Jackson, that's not nice!" Sofia moves his hand away.
Jessica laughs and says, "That's what I needed to talk to you two about.. Um.." She looks at Danny and he smiles.
"Kids.. I know this is gonna sound crazy, but um... I'm pregnant."
"What?!" Sofia's eyes widen.
"You're having another baby?" Jackson asks.
"Yeah, well... One more surprise..  Mommy has two babies in there.. We're having twins." She smiles.
"Twins?!" Sofia yells.
"Yeah.  How do you feel about that?"
"I... I'm happy!" She smiles but you can tell she's shocked.
"Good!  What about you, Jackson?"
"Two babies?"
"In mommy's tummy?" He puts his hand on her stomach.
"Yeah, you were right!" She laughs.
"Yeah, your tummy's getting bigger." He smiles.
"It is, isn't it?" She puts her hand on his.

"Mommy, what are the babies gonna be?" Sofia asks.
"We won't know for a few weeks."
"Oh.  Will Arabella be home before the babies come home?"
".... I'm sure she will."
"Good." Sofia smiles.


They went to bed and Jessica said, "Danny.. I feel bad that Arabella won't have that much time being the baby.  Who knows when she's coming home, and twins are usually born early.  She'll be four months next week, and I'm already three months pregnant.  I just feel bad."
"Well sweetie, she's still our baby.  Don't feel bad."
"I just can't help it.  I'm happy, but I'm sad.  I honestly feel like my mind doesn't even belong to me right now."
"Well yeah, these boys are taking over it!"
She laughs and says, "What makes you think they're boys?"
"I just have a feeling." He lays beside her and puts his hand on her stomach, and rubs it from side to side.
"Everything will be okay, Jessica.  Don't worry about anything.  It's all gonna be okay." Kisses the side of her stomach.
She gives him a small smile and he lays his head on her thigh.


A couple days later, Jessica was out with Sarah.

"So how's Arabella?"
"She's good, their big thing now is trying to get her not to lose any weight at all.  She'll gain some, then lose more.  The past two weeks have been a lot better though.  *Sighs* I just feel hopeless sometimes."
"Aw, I'm sorry, Jess.  I know that must be tough."
"It is.. But, I am thankful that other than that, she is perfectly healthy."
"Yeah, that's true."
Jessica smiles and says, "Hey, so I need to tell you something, and I don't think you're gonna believe me."
"You're coming back to American Horror Story?!"
"With that shit actress?  Fuck no!"
Sarah laughs and asks, "Then what is it?"
"I'm pregnant."
"What?!  Jessica, no!"
"I am.  I know it's crazy, but it was an accident!"
"Oh. My. God."
"I know."
"What did Danny say?"
"He's happy.  He feels like he can have a do over, I guess."
"Oh my gosh."
"I know, and that's not the crazy part."
"What is it?"
"It's twins."
"Shut the fuck up."
"I'm serious!" She laughs.
"Yeah.  And guess what.  I went because Danny told me to take a test, and it was positive, but the first doctor I went to had told me that I had a miscarriage.  Well a week went by and I wasn't having cramps or bleeding at all.  I was however, nauseous, moody, horny, and eating everything in sight, AND gaining weight at an extremely fast pace, even with dieting and exercising.  So I went to another doctor and he said that it was probably twins, and one died.. Well when we heard the heartbeat, it just didn't sound right, so he did an ultrasound on the other side of my stomach, and told me that I was having triplets and one died, so now I'm having twins."
Sarah's jaw was dropped and her eyes were wide.
"I know!"
"So you would've had..."
"Triplets, yes!"
"Holy fuck."
"I know." She laughs.
"I knew you looked bigger!"
"Yeah, and I was wondering why I couldn't lose weight!  I had absolutely No idea at all!  I'm twelve weeks!"
"What?!  And with twins?  How did you not know?"
"I don't know!  Look at my stomach!" She lifts her shirt.
"Awe!" Sarah makes a face like she's just fallen in love.
"We're gonna have more babies!" She smiles.
Jessica laughs and Sarah hugs her.
"I'm so happy for you, Jess!"
"Thank you!!"


The day before Sofia's birthday, they were at the hospital, with the baby.

"What is that?!  Is that a little baby roll?  Huh?!  Is that a little roll, Arabella?!" Jessica says in a cute voice.
"Good girl!  Look, Danny!"
"She's worked hard for that little roll." Danny smiles.
"Yes she has."

The doctor came over to them and said, "Good morning, you two."
"Good morning."
"So I have some good news."
"What is it?" Jessica's eyes light up when she hears those words come out of his mouth.
"Arabella is free to go home."
"What?" She says in almost a whisper.
Tears immediately start running down her face.
"She's stayed over four pounds for quite a while now, so you can take her home the day after tomorrow."
"Oh my goodness, thank you!  Thank you so much for everything!  You saved my baby girl!" She hugs the doctor tight.
"Oh, you're welcome.  Arabella is a little fighter, and it has been an amazing journey to go through.  You guys are extremely lucky to have her."
"I know." She nods as she smiles at the baby.

Danny had no words, he just stood there in shock.
"Are you okay, Danny?" Jessica asked him. 
He clears his throw and smiles, "Yeah.. Yeah, I'm great.. I just.. I don't know what to say.  I've waited to hear that for so long now and.... We can take her home?" A single tear falls down his face.
"You can take her home." The doctor smiles.
He chuckles and smiles down at the baby, "You did it, Arabella!  We're going home, sweet girl!"
Jessica hugs him and Danny kisses the top of her head.
"Our little girl's coming home, Danny." She says with a tearfully happy voice.
"I know, baby.." He lays his head on hers and closes  his eyes, taking in the moment they've been waiting for, for so long.

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