Getting over you

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Danny was picking the kids up today and would have them for the rest of the week.  He too woke up with the memory of their second first date anniversary, so he knew seeing Jessica was going to be hard.  They are still legally married and have chosen to just forget about filing for divorce at the moment.  There has been a lot going on in their lives and being honest they just don't have the time. 

"Kids, your father's here!" Jessica said before going over to let him in.


"Hey.." Jessica said awkwardly.

"The kids ready?"


"I'm coming in!" Coltan says letting himself in.

Jessica laughs and turns to him.

"Jessie, do you have anymore of those cookies?"

"Cole, it's not nice come into Jessie's home and demand cookies."

"Heh!  It's okay.  I just so happen to have some left!"

"YEAH!!" Coltan jumps up and lifts his hands in the air.

"But you have to ask daddy if it's okay if you have some."

"Daddy pleeeease!"

"You can have one."




"Two and that's it!"

"Okay!" He smiles and runs off.

Jessica chuckles and follows him to the kitchen to grab some cookies.

After returning back to the living room the kids were now there and so excited to see their brother.

"Cole look at these toys our momma gave us!" Joseph says.

"Wow!  Cool!"

"You stay here and we can play together!"

"My daddy no let me stay here.." Coltan pouts.

"Why not?  We stay here!" Joshua says.

"I don't know.."

"Well I ask my mommy if you stay here!"

"Boys, we have to get going." Sofia quickly interrupts.

"Thank you, Sofia." Danny spoke in a low voice.

"Can we just go?" She asks.

"Yeah.. come on, kids!"


"What, Coltan?"

"Why is Jessie not my mommy but she's there mommy's?"

Everyone kinda froze for a second.

"Can Jessie be my mommy since mine died?"

Jessica's eyes slightly widened and she felt her cheeks turning pink.

"Cole, we've talked about this.  Let's Go."

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